OpEd: Tracking Malaysia’s Force Build-up in the South China Sea

By |2017-10-18T11:13:11-10:00October 18th, 2017|Categories: Faculty, College, Vuving, Opinions/Editorials, Independent Faculty Articles|

Dr. Alex Vuving has a new opinion piece entitled "Tracking Malaysia’s Force Build-up in the South China Sea," on cogitASIA, a blog of the CSIS Asia Program. Here's an excerpt from that article: The declining trend in Malaysia’s defense outlay [...]

OpEd: Force Buildup in the South China Sea: The Myth of an Arms Race

By |2017-10-13T14:14:52-10:00October 13th, 2017|Categories: Courses, Faculty, Vuving, Independent Faculty Articles, External Publications|

Dr. Alex Vuving has a new opinion piece entitled "Force Buildup in the South China Sea: The Myth of an Arms Race" on cogitASIA, a blog of the CSIS Asia Program. Here's an excerpt from the article: "If an arms [...]

New paper on women’s role in disaster management and its implications for national security

By |2020-03-10T11:03:57-10:00July 11th, 2017|Categories: Faculty, College, Faculty Articles, Ear, Independent Faculty Articles, Women Peace and Security, Analytical|Tags: |

Why women in Asia-Pacific countries are more susceptible to disaster impacts?  This topic is explored in a new paper by DKI APCSS professor Jessica Ear on “Women’s Role in Disaster Management and Implications for National Security.” Her paper examines [...]

New paper on ‘The Land Component Role in Maritime Security’ released

By |2016-12-20T15:27:43-10:00December 20th, 2016|Categories: Faculty, College, Independent Faculty Articles|

“The Land Component Role in Maritime Security” is the latest analytical report by DKI APCSS professor Army Lt. Col. Daniel Kent.  The report is available here. The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not [...]

Forecasted Impact of Climate Change on Infectious Disease and Health Security in Hawaii by 2050

By |2023-09-14T12:17:17-10:00September 6th, 2016|Categories: Faculty, College, Faculty Articles, Independent Faculty Articles, Canyon|Tags: |

Dr. Deon Canyon co-authored an article titled “Forecasted Impact of Climate Change on Infectious Disease and Health Security in  Hawaii by 2050,” published by the  Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness journal.  Canyon and coauthors Rick Speare and Frederick Burke, discuss the potential impacts of climate change on the study of infectious and vector-borne diseases in Hawaii.  They consider scenarios based on the anticipated effects of higher average temperatures and weather extremes on disease distribution.  Their conclusions recommend a resilience model to increase adaptive capacity for all climate change impacts rather than one focused specifically on communicable diseases.

New Paper on ‘Shifting Geo-politics in the Greater South Asia Region’

By |2016-04-12T17:44:46-10:00April 12th, 2016|Categories: Faculty, College, Faculty Articles, Independent Faculty Articles, Snedden|

“Shifting Geo-politics in the Greater South Asia Region” is the latest analytical report by DKI APCSS professor Dr. Christopher Snedden. The report serves as a primer on the greater South Asia region which is home to 1.7 billion people.  According [...]

DKI APCSS professor paper on airspace defense published by international law review

By |2015-10-19T17:10:37-10:00October 19th, 2015|Categories: Faculty, College, Faculty Articles, Independent Faculty Articles, Odom|

Cmdr. Jonathan G. Odom was recently published in the October issue of Revue Belge De Droit International (Belgian Review of International Law), volume 2014/1 is now online.   His article on “A `Rules-Based Approach' to Airspace Defense: A U.S. Perspective on [...]

Communication and Strategy Development

By |2018-06-26T13:32:47-10:00February 5th, 2015|Categories: Faculty, College, Faculty Articles, Independent Faculty Articles, Finley|

“Strategy and communication are an integral whole — best practiced as art, not science,” by Herman F. Finley, in his new paper, Communication and Strategy Development. “The strategist, as artist, uses principles not checklists, intuition more than rules, to collaboratively shape a [...]

Why North Korea Won’t Follow Myanmar’s Path to Reform – Dr. Miemie Winn Byrd

By |2017-03-09T13:16:03-10:00January 7th, 2015|Categories: Courses, Faculty, Kim, Independent Faculty Articles, External Publications, Byrd|

Dr. Steven Kim Dr. Steven Kim and Dr. Miemie Winn Byrd recently collaborated on an article discussing whether North Korea would follow Myanmar in adopting institutional reforms. Their article "Worlds Apart: Why North Korea Won't Follow Myanmar's Path [...]

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