
May 23, 2019


This paper describes how the United States government can help Singapore’s Information Fusion Center identify, target, and eliminate or reduce the threat of maritime terrorism in the Straits of Malacca and Singapore (Straits). The geography of the Straits and the volume of shipping trade that passes through its waterways make the Straits a prime target for terrorists, and an ongoing security concern for the Indonesian government. Despite coordination, joint patrols and even local maritime information centers amongst partner nations, there remains much to improve Indonesia’s security posture and counter-terrorism capabilities in and around the Straits. Jakarta’s concern over the Straits, and its nearby ports, is no different than another mega city that struggles with similar terrorist threats and challenges within its own ports and waterways – New York City. In New York, the agency charged with preventing terrorist attacks is a law enforcement one, the New York City Police Department, whose officers and analysts could share their knowledge, specifically in predictive analytics, to stop terrorist threats in Indonesia’s ‘back yard’. Such assistance will benefit both parties facing terrorists that plan and operate globally, but strike locally.

Published: May 23, 2019

Category: Perspectives

Volume: 20 - 2019

Author: Alex Carter

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