It’s not uncommon for a faculty member at the Daniel K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies to write a paper about issues in the region.  However, Dr. Saira Yamin and Lt. Col. Michael C. Burgoyne have now written about the Center, specifically, how it is implementing the Women, Peace, and Security program.

The paper, “Advancing security through a gender lens: building capacity of international security practitioners,” was originally presented by Dr. Yamin at a WPS conference recently held at Brown University.

It brings into focus the importance of collaborative practitioner-centered discussions  on the links between gender and security to foster a transformative learning environment modeled in DKI APCSS executive education programs. It also provides recommendations to bolster the UNSCR1325 framework in the Indo-Asia Pacific region drawing on recommendations from a recent WPS workshop.

The authors state that the paper “considers the evolving context of security and why gender matters in deepening our understanding of the Indo-Asia Pacific region in a complex global environment.  Insights are shared on the opportunities and challenges of putting a gender lens on a security studies curricula in a multicultural academic milieu. The experience in working toward the fulfillment of the WPS agenda in the Indo-Asia Pacific region suggests that a greater impetus is needed to prioritize and effectively meet its objectives.”

The paper is available online at