Chapter Twenty Three
Pacific Island Microstates and U.S. Security Cooperation: A Strategic Reassessment
Kevin D. Stringer and Madison Urban
The Pacific is the most dynamic region of the world, and what happens here will shape the future for generations to come.
— Henry Kissinger, World Order, 2014
Pacific Island microstates are crucial in the U.S.-China strategic competition due to their diplomatic influence, strategic location, and valuable maritime resources. The United States has re-engaged these nations with diplomatic initiatives and partnerships. This chapter proposes a comprehensive U.S. security cooperation strategy focused on four key pillars: U.S. Coast Guard and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration-led maritime security cooperation, strategic collaboration with the European Union, expansion of U.S. Civic Action Teams, and regular deployment of U.S. Army Reserve Civil Affairs units. These actions will enhance maritime security, bolster crisis preparedness, and foster resilient partnerships, countering Chinese influence and promoting regional stability.