The workshop program is tightly focused and anticipates the most challenging regional and transnational security issues and cooperation tasks ahead. These in-person or virtual events serve as a forum for key regional interagency security policy drafters and decision-makers to produce actionable outputs and executable outcomes. This results in unique value-added opportunities for partnering organizations and participants.


  • A collaborative event conducted in the Indo-Asia-Pacific region that addresses cutting-edge current and/or future security and security-cooperation challenges.
  • Designed to produce actionable outputs and executable outcomes, providing unique value to partnering organizations and participants.
  • Topics target urgent and important security issues perceived as ‘too hard’ or ‘too new’ to address in a more significant, structured forum.
  • Workshops last 2 to 5 days and are typically attended by 30 to 50 participants.
  • Participant selection focuses heavily on DKI APCSS alumni, who are included to foster open discussions among new participants and offer alumni continuing education opportunities at a higher level.
  • Upon completion, participants will be introduced to various methods of connecting for discussions, sharing information, and fostering cooperation.

In-resident workshops will generally mirror the scope and concept of in-region workshops. Bilateral workshops afford increased honesty and openness among participants when held in residence. In contrast, multilateral workshops typically have broader national involvement as target countries are not limited to a sub-region. In-resident workshops also see greater participation from USINDOPACOM and other U.S. agencies.

For more information or questions about Workshops, please email us at

Past Workshops

Building Whole of Society Resilience

Looking at ways to counter global hybrid threats and malign influence was the focus of a workshop on “Building Whole of Society Resilience” held June 24-27 in Honolulu.

Maluhia Talks about Defense Industrial Base Resilience

Looking for ways to build resilience was the focus of the recent Maluhia Talks 2024 hosted by the Daniel K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies. Held April 30-May 2, 2024, in Honolulu, the event brought together more than 40 government security professions and industry representatives.

Inaugural Indo-Pacific Senior Enlisted Leaders SMEE Empowers Collaboration, Sets Stage for Stronger Regional Security 

“The knowledge and connections we built here strengthen our region against the complex security challenges we face together,” remarked a participant as the inaugural Indo-Pacific Senior Enlisted Leaders Subject Matter Expert Exchange (IPSEL SMEE) drew to a close. This groundbreaking event, proposed by former USINDOPACOM Commander Admiral John Aquilino and Fleet Master Chief David Isom, united 55 senior enlisted advisors and leaders from 21 Indo-Pacific nations in Honolulu, Hawaii, April 15-19, 2024. 

Philippines and Vietnam Track 2 experts discuss shared challenges

Increasingly sophisticated competition in the Indo-Pacific requires countries to harness whole-of-society efforts to protect their interests and enhance resilience. The Philippines and Vietnam are two countries heavily exposed to coercive activities, particularly in the maritime, economic, and cognitive domains.