Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies Director Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Daniel Leaf and Korea National Defense University President Park Sam Deuk signed a Memorandum of Understanding to improve cooperation between the two organizations.
On September 2, 2014, Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies Director Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Daniel Leaf and Korea National Defense University President Park Sam Deuk signed a Memorandum of Understanding to improve cooperation between the two organizations.
The intent of the Memorandum is to advance security cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region by fostering closer relations between the two institutions. They have agreed in principle to exchange of faculty members and joint participation in education and training courses and seminars and workshops offered by each institution. At the signing ceremony, an alumnus of the Comprehensive Crisis Management 14-1 course, ROK Fellow Colonel Sang Sun Park, was recognized with an award for his role as a catalyst in getting the two institutions to sign the Memorandum.
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