An APCSS Outreach event was held in Brunei Darussalam from July 30 to August 2. With a focus on disaster management, this workshop was co-sponsored by Brunei’s National Disaster Management Centre (NDMC) and the Asia Pacific Center for Security Studies (APCSS).
Comprised of stake holders in the management of disasters, attendees included representatives from government and non-government agencies, and the private sector. Workshop attendees will discuss improving current disaster management plans and creating more effective and efficient future plans.
Speakers at the event included: Mr. Yahya Bin Haji Abdul Rahman, NDMC director; Mr. Khamphao Hompangna, chairman of the ASEAN Committee on Disaster Management (ACDM);Dr. Zulkarnain bin Hanafi; Mr. John Livengood of the Pacific Disaster Center; Mr. James Petroni, a disaster management specialist; and APCSS Professors Butch Finley and Tom Peterman.
UPDATE 08/03/07: Links to articles about the Disaster Management Workshop
Preparing Brunei for national disasters
Borneo Bulletin, Brunei Darussalam – Aug 2, 2007
By Yusrin Junaidi The Brunei Darussalam Disaster Management Workshop entered its third day at the Cesar Hall, Orchid Garden Hotel in Berakas. …
Disaster requires multi-agency response
The Brunei Times, Brunei Darussalam – 18 hours ago
DISASTER management must remain a priority commitment of Brunei and the whole of Brunei’s government must fully support these efforts, participants of the …
National Disaster Management Workshop Draws To A Close
Bru Direct, Brunei Darussalam – 20 hours ago
By Yusrin Junaidi Bandar Seri Begawan – The Brunei Darussalam Disaster Management Workshop came to a close yesterday afternoon. During the last day of the …
Disaster Management Training
Bru Direct, Brunei Darussalam – Jul 31, 2007
By Ben Ng Bandar Seri Begawan – Due to the recent rains and flooding, the National Disaster Management Council Brunei is conducting a disaster management …
Day Two Of Disaster Management Workshop
Bru Direct, Brunei Darussalam – Jul 31, 2007
By Yusrin Junaidi Bandar Seri Begawan – The Brunei Darussalam Disaster Management Workshop entered its second day at the Caesar Hall, Orchid Garden Hotel in …
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