Taiwan Strait Update: Crisis Deferred

By |2013-01-03T10:49:59-10:00February 7th, 2006|Categories: Faculty Articles, Roy|

Dr. Denny Roy, an APCSS associate professor, has published a new paper entitled “Taiwan Strait Update: Crisis Deferred.” According to Dr. Roy’s paper, the Chen Shui-bian government’s moves toward dismantling Taiwan’s (largely symbolic) political links with China have been the main cause of increased cross-Strait tensions. However, the momentum of these moves has diminished in recent months with a strong anti-independence opposition in Taiwan and the willingness of these politicians to coordinate some activities with Beijing. These activities have increased Chinese confidence that a use of force against Taiwan will not be necessary. […]

China and its commitment to nonproliferation

By |2013-01-03T10:52:06-10:00February 7th, 2006|Categories: Faculty Articles, Roy|

Dr. Denny Roy, an APCSS associate professor, has published a new paper entitled "Going Straight, But Somewhat Late: China and Nuclear Nonproliferation."According to Dr. Roy's paper, "Analysts widely agree that China has demonstrated a more robust commitment to nonproliferation in recent years, including strengthening export control procedures and participating in international nonproliferation regimes. "Nevertheless, the problem of Chinese nuclear proliferation persists. The focus of attention has shifted from transfers directed by officials as an instrument of government policy to sales by Chinese firms that occur because of gaps in the Chinese domestic enforcement network." The article looks at international [...]

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