• Click on the image to read information about each course we offer.

Course Schedule
Course Registration

Our in-resident course participants are selected by an external nomination process. Self-nominations to the Center are not accepted.

International nominations are coordinated through the U.S. Embassy Security Cooperation Offices for vetting and processing at our Center. They come from allied and partner nation whole-of-government organizations, including ministries of defense, foreign affairs, and justice, as well as military commands and services, the coast guard, police, and other government agencies, to ensure a diverse and collaborative audience.

International Organization and Non-Governmental Organizations (IO/NGO) nominations are processed through U.S. Embassy Security Cooperation Offices for vetting and processing to our Center. IO/NGO nominations are limited and formally approved well in advance. These regional participants enable broadening of representation and views in our courses.

United States nominations come from various U.S. military and government organizations. Participants are nominated by military commands and services, Department of Defense, Department of State, USAID, Department of Homeland Security, and other government agencies.

Contact Us

Course Allocations
Program Recruiter
James (Jamie) Asman

College of Security Studies Faculty, Curriculum and General Questions

Please go to the Admissions section to view detailed information on registration and requirements.