Standout Fellows Return to the Center as ‘Alumni Seminar Leaders’ [fusion_builder_column_inner type="1_2" type="1_2" layout="1_2" align_self="auto" content_layout="column" align_content="flex-start" valign_content="flex-start" content_wrap="wrap" center_content="no" column_tag="div" target="_self" hide_on_mobile="small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility" sticky_display="normal,sticky" order_medium="0" order_small="0" hover_type="none" border_style="solid" box_shadow="no" box_shadow_blur="0" box_shadow_spread="0" background_type="single" gradient_start_position="0" gradient_end_position="100" gradient_type="linear" radial_direction="center center" linear_angle="180" lazy_load="none" background_position="left top" background_repeat="no-repeat" background_blend_mode="none" sticky="off" sticky_devices="small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility" absolute="off" filter_type="regular" filter_hover_element="self" filter_hue="0" filter_saturation="100" filter_brightness="100" filter_contrast="100" filter_invert="0" filter_sepia="0" filter_opacity="100" filter_blur="0" filter_hue_hover="0" filter_saturation_hover="100" filter_brightness_hover="100" filter_contrast_hover="100" filter_invert_hover="0" filter_sepia_hover="0" filter_opacity_hover="100"... Alumni Spotlight Alumni Seminar Leaders Guide the Way for First-time Fellows For the Comprehensive Security Cooperation Course 22-3, the Center invited alumnus Kathrine Lingan (CSC 22-1) and Adiyasuren Jamiyan (ASC 15-2) from Mongolia. The two would be the first-ever international Fellows invited as Alumni Seminar Leaders. Alumni Spotlight Mr. Krishna Bahadur Raut Receives the 2021 ‘Alumni of the Year’ award DKI APCSS recognized Raut’s contributions as an alumnus who significantly improved the peace and security within his country of Nepal and in the Indo-Pacific Region. Raut’s Fellows Project resulted in seven new provincial emergency operation centers. He drafted eight of the fifteen laws required to support the expansion of the EOCs. He also played an instrumental role in passing significant policies that included the Disaster Management Act, Risk Reduction Policy, and the National Strategic Action Plan. Alumni Spotlight International Fellows from the U.S. Army War College Visit the Center On April 1, 2022, DKI APCSS hosted 40 international officers from the U.S Army War College’s International Fellows Program. Ranging from lieutenant colonel to brigadier general, the Fellows were hand-selected from the Chief of Staff of the Army to participate in a 10-month, in-resident course at the U.S. Army War College in Carlisle, Pennsylvania.For the last seven months, the Fellows have studied the role of land power, as part of a unified, joint or combined force, in support of the U.S. national military strategy. Their visit to Hawaii provided an opportunity to familiarize themselves with the various Indo-Pacific organizations who are available to partner with their militaries and countries. In addition to DKI APCSS, the Fellows visited the Indo-Pacific Command, the U.S. Army Pacific Command, and the Center for Excellence in Disaster Management. Alumni Spotlight Alumnus Dr. Novil Wijesekara speaks at the Comprehensive Security Cooperation 22-1 As part of his participation in CMC, Dr. Wijesekara began implementing a Fellows Project titled, “Build the Capacity of Religious Leaders to Prevent Violent Extremism in Sri Lanka through a Public Health Approach.” Due to the ongoing pandemic he was forced to redirect his efforts to produce a workshop titled, “COVID-19 and Beyond.” In partnership with DKI APCSS, he designed the workshop, recruited speakers and participants, served as a speaker, and co-hosted the event. The workshop participants presented South Asia perspectives on COVID-19 prevention and mitigation. The participants shared best practices in responding to the pandemic and identified common challenges that the countries of South Asia were facing. Alumni Spotlight DKI APCSS Alum Returns to Educate, Connect and Empower When CSRT 18-1 alumna Yetunde Olobayo walked out the doors of DKI APCSS Aug. 8, 2018 after her course graduation, she probably thought it would be for the last time.However, her diligence and hard work paid off when she was invited back June 24 to demonstrate and explain her successful Fellow’s Project to 108 eager Comprehensive Security Responses to Terrorism Course 19-1 Fellows in the Center’s auditorium.Since Olobayo left the Center last year, her Fellow’s Project has evolved from concept to reality.“It was a wonderful experience.. I mean, I met a lot of people from different organizations, agencies – civilian and military – we did a lot of things together,” said Olobayo of her DKI APCSS experience as a CSRT Fellow. “The Fellow’s Project was something we all did individually. It was an opportunity for me to... Alumni Spotlight DKI APCSS announces Alumni Awards Ms. Jennifer Key (Samoa), ASC17-2, Assistant CEO of the Policy Division at the Ministry of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, has been named as the DKI APCSS Alumna of the Year Award 2018! Congratulations are also in order to the Tonga DKI APCSS Alumni Association for earning the DKI APCSS Alumni Association of the Year Award 2018! Alumni Spotlight DKI APCSS Alumni Bring Regional Perspective to Maritime Security Challenges By Lt. Col. Scott McDonald, USMCThe end of the relative stability of the bi-polar Cold War has given way to a complex and challenging security environment. Meanwhile, the growth of multinational supply chains and supranational information flows have emphasized the importance of the sea in a manner not appreciated since the Nineteenth Century. These factors have highlighted the need for cooperative solutions to the security challenges of what Commander of the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN), Vice-Admiral Ron Lloyd calls the “Maritime Century.”With this context, security practitioners from Canada and across the Indo-Pacific gathered in Victoria, British Columbia from 16 to 18 October 2018 for the 8th iteration of the bi-annual Maritime Security Challenges conference. This event, co-presented by the RCN, the Naval League of Canada, and the Daniel K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies (DKI APCSS),... Alumni Spotlight DKI APCSS Alumni, Military Fellows participate in U. S. Coast Guard Strategy Workshop By LCDR Leah Cole, USCGDaniel K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies’ personnel participated in the Asia-Pacific Coast Guard Liaison Officers Conference and inaugural Indo-Pacific Strategy Workshop, which was hosted by the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) Pacific Area (PACAREA) Headquarters in Alameda, Calif., Sept. 11-13.DKI APCSS’ USCG Military Fellow Lt. Cmdr. Leah Cole joined Center Recruiter Terry Slattery, and USCG alumni at the workshop, which also brought together USCG attaches, liaison officers, security cooperation officers, and military fellows posted throughout the Indo-Pacific with PACAREA leaders & staff as well as the Deputy Commandant for Operations- International (DCO-I) Office from USCG Headquarters to connect on vital interests, strategy, partnerships and efforts across the region.The purpose of the workshop was to finalize the USCG’s first Indo-Pacific strategy and critical planning inputs, including a priority country matrix and partnership efforts... Alumni Spotlight
By APCSS Editor|2022-09-16T10:49:53-10:00September 16th, 2022|
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