More than 77 Russian alumni from Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies and the George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies convened in Moscow, May 16, 2006, for a roundtable on Russian-American Cooperation in the Fight Against Terrorism.
The conference was chaired by the Marshall Center’s Dr. John C. Reppert, dean of the College of Security, and Colonel (Ret) Nick Pratt. The alumni also viewed a video greeting from APCSS’ director LTG (Ret) Ed Smith and Dr. Rouben Azizian. The program, entitled, “New Opportunities for Security Cooperation,” provided an opportunity for Marshall Center professors and 72 Marshall Center and 10 APCSS alumni to share their knowledge and experience with over a dozen other experts from across the Russian security community.
The roundtable was the inaugural event of the joint Marshall Center-APCSS alumni association in Moscow, and the second event organized under the leadership of the Association of Graduates of Centers for Security Studies. These programs are a result of the challenge to alumni

More than 77 Russian Alumni from APCSS and the Marshall Center convened in Moscow, May 16, 2006, for a conference on Russian-American Cooperation in the Fight Against Terrorism. The conference was chaired by Dr. John C. Reppert, dean, College of Security, and Colonel (Ret) Nick Pratt from the Marshall center. The alumni also viewed a video greeting from APCSS Director LTG (Ret) Ed Smith and Dr. Rouben Azizian. Alumni from both organizations are working together to form a joint alumni association. Pictured above are Dr. Reppert, Col. Pratt, and the APCSS Alumni Viktor Gavrilov (1998-3), Yuri Kukushkin (1999-3), Vladimir Petrovsky (2000-1), and Vladimir Cherny (2002-1).
to capitalize on their relationship with the regional centers to enhance the strategic understanding of their colleagues.
The alumni association serves as important force-multiplier for key theater security cooperation objectives in Russia, including expanding the dialogue between U.S. and Russian security policy leaders, Wide cross-governmental representation led to relationship-building that should enhance interagency coordination.
The roundtable expanded the number of Russian experts with an understanding of the centers’ professional opportunities. Additionally, both centers gained updated career and contact information about its alumni that in turn, increases the centers’ ability to deliver important information to its graduates.
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