Dr. Jeffrey Reeves has a new article out for The Jamestown Foundations China Brief entitled “New Government Continues Mongolia’s Rebalance to China.”

In the article, Reeves discusses how a change in government has not resulted in a change in Mongolia’s economic engagement with China as prescribed in their 2010 National Security Concept.  Both the Democratic Party and now Mongolian People’s Party (MPP)-led governments employ the same rationale for pursuing closer ties with the PRC: that China provides Mongolia the best opportunity for economic development and growth.

According to Reeves, “China has emerged as Mongolia’s primary source of trade, finance, investment, and aid since the two states signed the 2014 Comprehensive Strategic Partnership; a central position within Mongolia’s domestic economy that is likely to expand as the two states further consolidate their economic linkages.”

This rebalance is also influencing their engagement on a political level.

“Rather than offer an alternative model for engagement with China,” said Reeves, “the MPP seems intent on accepting political and security linkages with the PRC as the price to pay for closer economic integration with the state.”

Read more at: https://jamestown.org/program/new-government-continues-mongolias-rebalance-china/


Dr. Jeffrey Reeves is an Associate Professor, Daniel K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies. The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of DKI APCSS, the Department of Defense, or the U.S. Government.