
Resumption of Work After the COVID-19 Lockdown Period and an Approach to Attaining Herd Immunity While Suppressing the EPI Curve – in the Philippines

By |2020-05-18T12:43:39-10:00May 18th, 2020|

Noel Miranda details the steps taken in the Philippines to decrease the EPI-Curve, while implementing a strategy to obtain herd immunity, and urges decision-makers to implement the use of the identified pharmaceutical/biological approaches to COVID-19. Excerpt: The duration of [...]

Mabuhay from Manila

By |2020-04-02T16:15:22-10:00March 18th, 2020|

Rostum J. Baustista We are on enhanced community quarantine, at least in the whole island of Luzon for two days now.  A euphonious term for "lockdown" any which way one looks at it. Hello to all our Friends in Hawaii! Mabuhay from [...]

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