An International Biodefense Shield Alliance against Pathogens from China

By |2020-08-12T16:50:29-10:00August 12th, 2020|Categories: Canyon, Journal, news|Tags: , , |

“An International Biodefense Shield Alliance against Pathogens from China” is the title of a paper written by Dr. Deon Canyon, Kevany S., Baker M.S. and Baker J. for Security Nexus. This paper illustrates the need for the U.S. [...]

Assessing the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism: Practitioner Insights

By |2020-08-07T09:14:48-10:00August 6th, 2020|Categories: Journal, news, Mullins|Tags: , , |

“Assessing the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism: Practitioner Insights” is the title of a paper written by Dr. Sam Mullins for Security Nexus. This paper identifies the obstacles faced by terrorists as a result [...]

What States Say They Can Do and COVID-19 Status at Six Months

By |2020-07-31T17:09:38-10:00July 31st, 2020|Categories: Journal, news|Tags: , , , |

“What States Say They Can Do and COVID-19 Status at Six Months” is the title of a paper written by NWANY Wijesekara, HDB Herath, KALC Kodituwakku and HV Pathirana for Security Nexus. This paper reports finding a significant positive [...]

Security Implications of Mass Returning Migrant Workers Due to COVID-19 Crisis

By |2020-07-30T13:41:26-10:00July 29th, 2020|Categories: Byrd, Journal, news|Tags: , , |

“Security Implications of Mass Returning Migrant Workers Due to COVID-19 Crisis” is the title of a paper written by Dr. Miemie Winn Byrd for Security Nexus. This paper details the challenges migrant workers face and the resulting security [...]

Why We Need a Regional Approach for Crisis Management with North Korea

By |2020-07-15T13:07:29-10:00July 15th, 2020|Categories: Canyon, Journal, news, Cho|Tags: , , , |

“Why We Need a Regional Approach for Crisis Management with North Korea,” is the title of an OpEd written by Dr. Deon Canyon and Dr. Sungmin Cho for Security Nexus. This paper emphasizes the need for regional cooperation and [...]

The Intersection of Global Health, Military Medical intelligence, and National Security in the Management of Transboundary Hazards and Outbreaks

By |2021-01-07T10:53:34-10:00July 1st, 2020|Categories: Canyon, Journal, news|Tags: , , |

DKI APCSS’ Dr. Deon Canyon, retired Rear Adm. Michael S. Baker, M.D., Dr. Sebastian Kevany, University of California, San Francisco and Jacob Baker, Georgetown University, all collaborated to co-author a comprehensive paper titled “The Intersection of Global Health, Military Medical [...]

Policy Guidance for Pakistan’s Oscillation Response to COVID-19

By |2020-06-29T14:57:31-10:00June 25th, 2020|Categories: Canyon, Journal, news|Tags: , , |

“Policy Guidance for Pakistan’s Oscillation Response to COVID-19” is a new OpEd coauthored by DKI APCSS professor Dr. Deon Canyon and Asma Khawaja – Strategic Studies, National Defence University, Islamabad, for Security Nexus. In this paper, the authors detail how [...]

Terrorism and COVID-19: Are We Over-Estimating the Threat?

By |2020-06-25T15:07:30-10:00June 25th, 2020|Categories: External Publications, news, Mullins|Tags: , |

“Terrorism and COVID-19: Are We Over-Estimating the Threat?” is a new article by DKI APCSS professor Dr. Sam Mullins for the Small Wars Journal. In this article, Mullins looks at if and how terrorists are using the COVID-19 pandemic to [...]

A Health Security Pandemic Checklist for Developing Nations and Donors

By |2020-06-16T12:44:36-10:00June 12th, 2020|Categories: Canyon, Journal, news|Tags: , , |

“A Health Security Pandemic Checklist for Developing Nations and Donors” is a new OpEd coauthored by DKI APCSS professor Dr. Deon Canyon and Research Analyst at the University of California San Francisco Dr. Sebastian Kevany, for Security Nexus. In this [...]

Urgent Policies Required to Grant Public Access to Protected Health Information during Emergency Disease Outbreaks and Pandemics

By |2020-06-10T17:09:55-10:00June 10th, 2020|Categories: Canyon, Journal, news|Tags: , |

“Urgent Policies Required to Grant Public Access to Protected Health Information during Emergency Disease Outbreaks and Pandemics” is a new OpEd coauthored by DKI APCSS professor Dr. Deon Canyon and Research Analyst at the University of California San Francisco Dr. [...]

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