Should the Quad Become a Formal Alliance?

By |2022-05-03T16:28:54-10:00April 4th, 2022|Categories: College, Faculty Articles, news, hemmings, featured|Tags: , , |

Dr. John Hemmings has a new article in the latest Journal of Indo-Pacific Affairs titled “Should the Quad Become a Formal Alliance?” According to Hemmings, “this article examines alignments and alliances before the First and Second World War and during the Cold War to shed light on the current Quad arrangement. Looking at the first two periods, we can see that under-balancing by democracies is not particularly unusual historically. It happens more often than not and often fails to deter aggression by other powers.” The end result is, as he states, “that not only are policy elites within the Quad [...]

The U.S.-China Power Transition: An assessment of China’s internal view

By |2022-03-28T09:38:52-10:00March 28th, 2022|Categories: College, Faculty Articles, news, Cho|Tags: , , , |

Dr.Sungmin Cho has a new paper titled “The U.S.-China Power Transition: An assessment of China’s internal view” published in the Melbourne Asia Review. According to Cho, “It is vital to understand how Chinese policymakers and analysts view the regional order, whether one agrees with them or not. How do they assess China’s national power and its future trajectory in comparison with the United States? How do the Chinese foreign policy elites view the changing trend of regional order, and why do they see it that way? This article aims to explain China’s internal view of the regional order in the [...]

Quad Plus and Indo-Pacific: The Changing Profile of International Relations

By |2022-01-05T11:51:20-10:00January 5th, 2022|Categories: publication, news, hemmings|Tags: |

“Quad Plus and Indo-Pacific: The Changing Profile of International Relations” is a new book featuring chapters by DKI APCSS faculty and alumni. The book edited by Jagannath P. Panda and Ernest Gunasekara-Rockwell includes a chapter by DKI APCSS professor Dr. John Hemmings. Co-authored with James Rogers, the chapter “Britain in the Indo-Pacific – and the Quad Plus, or even a "Quint"? “discusses Britain’s interests and capabilities in the Indo-Pacific as well as their impact on the region in the coming years. DKI APCSS alumni Evan A. Laksmana contributed a chapter on “Fracturing Architecture? The Quad Plus and ASEAN Centrality in the [...]

Myanmar’s U-turn: Implications of the Military Coup on Strategic Competition in the Indo-Pacific

By |2022-01-04T13:57:21-10:00January 4th, 2022|Categories: Faculty Articles, External Publications, Byrd, news|Tags: , , |

Dr. Miemie Winn Byrd has a new article in the Journal for Indo-Pacific Affairs titled: "Myanmar’s U-turn: Implications of the Military Coup on Strategic Competition in the Indo-Pacific. " The article discusses the current crisis in Myanmar and China’s response to it. According to the author, China views Myanmar as an important land bridge to the Indian Ocean and alternative to the Malacca Strait. Direct access to the Indian Ocean would give China an enormous commercial and geopolitical advantage over its competitors. In addition, as the last remaining democracy on mainland Southeast Asia, Myanmar is the front line for democracy [...]

The Roles of the U.S. ROK Alliance in the Indo-Pacific

By |2021-12-06T11:05:21-10:00December 6th, 2021|Categories: news, conference/symposium|Tags: , , |

On December 1, 2021, a panel of subject matter experts gathered at the Sheraton Waikiki in Honolulu to discuss the evolving United States and Republic of Korea alliance. The symposium, sponsored by the Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Honolulu and the Daniel K. Inouye Asia Pacific Center for Security Studies (DKI APCSS), aimed to foster continued discussion on opportunities presented in this year’s U.S. ROK Presidential Summit. Titled “The Roles of the U.S. ROK Alliance in the Indo-Pacific,” the symposium brought together speakers from both U.S. and Korean [...]

President of Palau Visits DKI APCSS

By |2021-08-11T14:42:19-10:00August 9th, 2021|Categories: news, Distinguished Visitors|Tags: , |

President of Palau Surangel Whipps, Jr., and his delegation, visited the Daniel K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies to discuss policies and issues pertaining to the Indo-Pacific region, Aug. 2, 2021. Pictured from (L-R) Ms. Lauren Henry, senior legal counsel for the office of the president; Ms. Landisang Kotaro Chief of Staff; Mr. Kerai Mariur, former Palau vice president; Mr. Henry Rector, DKI APCSS senior diplomatic advisor; Pres. Whipps; DKI APCSS Director Pete Gumataotao; Mr. Mengkur Rechelulk, House of Delegates; and Ms. Jennifer Anson, National Security Coordinator. For the second time in as many weeks, the Daniel K. [...]

The Future is Female: Positioning Women as Drivers of Economic Growth

By |2021-03-17T12:26:20-10:00March 17th, 2021|Categories: Faculty, Yamin, External Publications, news|Tags: , , |

Dr. Saira Yamin has a new article, “The Future is Female: Positioning Women as Drivers of Economic Growth,” published in a special International Women’s Day publication by UNDP Pakistan titled Womenomics: Women Powering the Economy.  In this article, she highlights six Indo-Pacific countries (Japan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Vietnam) where gender inclusion in the work force is pursued as a targeted policy to accelerate economic growth, both pre- and post COVID. Read the full article Dr. Saira Yamin is a professor at the Daniel K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies (DKI APCSS). The views expressed in this [...]

The Global Islamist Extremist Threat: Still Significant in 2021

By |2021-02-12T15:28:26-10:00February 12th, 2021|Categories: Journal, news|Tags: , |

“The Global Islamist Extremist Threat: Still Significant in 2021” is the title of a paper by Kumar Ramakrishna for Security Nexus. This paper discusses six trends which will likely enable extreme Islamic terrorism to remain a threat in 2021. Abstract Violent Islamist extremism remained the most potent terrorist threat to global stability in 2020 and will remain so in 2021. Six trends were observed the past year: the continuing salience of lone actors; the involvement of women and family networks in combatant roles; the challenge of rehabilitating and reintegrating returning foreign fighters and their families; the role of diasporas; the [...]

Recommendations from Papua New Guinea on How to Improve U.S. Posture in the Pacific

By |2021-02-12T10:54:05-10:00February 12th, 2021|Categories: Journal, news|Tags: , |

“Recommendations from Papua New Guinea on How to Improve U.S. Posture in the Pacific” is the title of a paper co-written by Dr. Deon Canyon and Michael Kabuni for Security Nexus. This paper lists several explicit recommendations for how the U.S. can improve its posture in Papua New Guinea (PNG). Excerpt: The Pacific Ocean is a place of many small countries that need to strategically cooperate, not compete, to survive. The best way forward is for all nations to cooperate with each other as they tackle the greatest threats and make the world a safer place. The U.S. and China [...]

A Network of Maritime Fusion Centers Throughout the Indo-Pacific

By |2021-02-12T15:33:13-10:00February 12th, 2021|Categories: Canyon, Journal, news, Turvold, McMullin|Tags: , |

“A Network of Maritime Fusion Centers Throughout the Indo-Pacific” is the title of a paper co-written by Dr. Deon Canyon, retired Navy Capt. Wade Turvold, and Navy Capt. Jim McMullin for Security Nexus. This paper addresses the critical need for networked fusion centers across the Indo-Pacific to meet growing transboundary threats to international security. Exerpt: The establishment of national maritime fusion centers across the Indo-Pacific region would go a long way toward advancing maritime security. Indo-Pacific states should establish such centers with a focus on maritime threats of a transboundary nature, as well as traditional state-based threats. Indeed, the lack [...]

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