Strategic Competition, National Security and the Need for ‘Competitive Intelligence’

By |2020-10-14T11:37:17-10:00October 14th, 2020|Categories: Canyon, Journal, news|Tags: , , |

“Strategic Competition, National Security and the Need for ‘Competitive Intelligence’” is the title of a paper written by DKI APCSS professor Dr. Deon Canyon for Security Nexus. This article illustrates how Competitive intelligence lies at the center of any [...]

Artificial Intelligence, China, Russia, and global order

By |2020-03-11T15:06:56-10:00March 11th, 2020|Categories: Faculty Articles, Sitaraman|Tags: , , , |

Dr. Srini Sitaraman has a new article published in the Spring 2020 issue of the Journal of European, Middle Eastern, and African Affairs published by the Air University Press, Maxwell, AFB, AL. Sitaraman reviews the work by Nicholas Wright and [...]

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