Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project
Real-time data and analysis resource for political violence and protest around the world.

Database on Suicide Attacks (University of Chicago)
DSAT contains specific information for all suicide attacks committed in modern history, from 1982 through 2019.

Extremism Tracker (George Washington University)
Data on domestic terrorism in the United States.

Global Terrorism Database (University of Maryland)
National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START) database of incidents of terrorism worldwide since 1970. Must register to access data after 2019.

Global Terrorism Index
Annual reports of terrorism data compiled by the Institute for Economics & Peace.

Hate Symbols Database
Anti-Defamation League’s database provides an overview of “many of the symbols most frequently used by a variety of white supremacist groups and movements in the United States, as well as some other types of hate groups.”

International Centre for Counter-Terrorism
ICCT’s publications and resources provide “policy-relevant and evidence-based research while aiming to provide practical and solutions-oriented policy recommendations.”

Primary source materials from jihadi groups worldwide. Requires registration for access.

Mapping Militants Project (Stanford University)
A program of the Center for International Security and Cooperation (CISAC).

Articles, infographics, videos and reports for countering violent extremism. Filter by region, subject, or search for a specific term.

Project CRAAFT
Reports from the Collaboration, Research & Analysis Against the Financing of Terrorism Project.

S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies Counter Terrorist Trends and Analyses (Nanyang Technological University)
Issues of the Counter Terrorist Trends and Analyses Journal.

Southeast Asia Militant Atlas
An interactive map from RSIS designed to provide researchers with a consolidated database of terrorist-related incidents in Southeast Asia.

Southern Poverty Law Center’s Extremist Files
Profiles of prominent extremists and various extremist organizations in the United States.

South Asia Terrorism Portal
South Asia’s largest website on terrorism and low intensity warfare. Features a continually updated database as well as analytic context for research and analysis of all extremist movements in the region.

Terrorism and Radicalisation Research Dashboard
A dashboard of links to websites, datasets, databases, OSINT tools and more for the study of terrorism and radicalization.

United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism
Resources including international legal instruments, publications, documents, and UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy