Integrating Air and Missile Defense for America’s Pacific Homeland 

By |2024-07-02T16:45:29-10:00July 2nd, 2024|Categories: Courses, Faculty Articles, External Publications, news, Taylor|Tags: , |

“Operation Noble Eagle–Pacific: Integrated Air and Missile Defense for America’s Pacific Homeland” is a new article by DKI APCSS’ US Navy Captain Joshua P. Taylor for Air University’s Journal of Indo-Pacific Affairs.

Solution for a Maritime Force Structure

By |2024-03-07T10:21:03-10:00November 30th, 2023|Categories: Faculty, news, Taylor|Tags: |

DKI APCSS’ Captain Joshua Taylor has a new article entitled “Citizen Sailors: The Missing Link in Maritime Force Structure” published by War on the Rocks. Co-authored with Col. Scott C. Humphrey, their article highlights a pressing challenge for the U.S. Navy—the growing gap between its force structure needs and available personnel. According to the authors, despite the Navy's focus on unmanned technology and projections indicating a need for 3,000 to 10,000 additional personnel in the next 30 years, the current recruiting efforts are falling short. The manpower shortage is exacerbated by the Navy's prioritization of high-intensity naval combat readiness over [...]

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