China’s Global Influence: Perspectives and Recommendations,” edited by Scott D. McDonald and Michael C. Burgoyne, is a compilation of proceedings from the “China’s Global Reach: A Security Assessment” workshop held in early 2019.  This new book, as with the workshop, is the result of a unique collaboration among the five U.S. Department of Defense Regional Centers and several other organizations.

That workshop leveraged expertise and unique perspectives from all five Regional Centers* to examine the actions and intentions of the People’s Republic of China. To understand how these global activities impact the United States, an analysis was conducted within the context of the PRC’s perspective of its own foreign policy and in an environment defined by strategic competition, as referenced in the 2017 U.S. National Security Strategy and 2018 U.S. National Defense Strategy.

“Our goal with this publication,” said Burgoyne, “was to provide a comprehensive look at PRC activities across regions and certain foreign policy tools they use to policymakers to assist them with addressing this challenge, and identifying areas of cooperation where possible.”

The book contains insights from a broad range of experts who formulated policy recommendations for defending state interests in the face of growing PRC assertiveness. The scholarship, insights, and recommendations of the participants are collected in this volume for the benefit of policy-makers, practitioners, and scholars.

*The five DoD Regional Centers are the African Center for Strategic Studies, the Daniel K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies, the George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies, the Near East South Asia Center for Strategic Studies, and the William J. Perry Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies.

A PDF of the book can be downloaded at