Dr. Sebastian Kevany has written a Security Nexus Perspective on “Enabling the sharing of original, timely and creative macro-and micro-level response concepts, systems, and ideas.

This OpEd looks at Ireland’s public health information campaign including its public messaging program and its impact on how society has reacted to the COVID-19 outbreak.  Kevany looks at seven considerations for a successful program.

The following is an excerpt from his paper:

“Perhaps timing has been in Ireland’s favor – and not merely in the context of the end of winter; perhaps the country has been lucky, as well, to be led by a medically-trained Taoiseach. Yet, though only time will tell whether national strategies have been appropriate, timely, and suitable — and while this is also a time for civil obedience, trust in leadership, and respect for policy — there nonetheless exist immediate opportunities to consider both the strengths and limitations of the national response thus far that may better inform both policy, and individual behavior, over the coming days, weeks, or months.”

Read full paper