When Disaster Strikes…
Developing a plan | Emergency Checklist | APCSS Disaster Page
Notice to APCSS Employees Only:
In the event of a disaster or emergency, the Honolulu-Pacific Federal Executive Board is the critical point of coordination and communication in all hazards and maintain notification systems 24/7 to keep Federal agencies informed during emergencies. Click here for their Alerts Page.
If You Stay at Home
- Stay alert to advisories. Purchase a NOAA weather radio.
- Keep a Disaster Supply Kit ready.
- Have enough food and water for at least three days.
- Make your home more disaster resistant: Prepare to board up windows and glass doors, anchor loose yard objects or bring them inside.
- Get cash. Following a hurricane, banks and ATMs may be temporarily closed.
- Fill your car with gasoline.
- Have a pet plan. Before a storm threatens, contact your veterinarian or local humane society for information on preparing your pets for an emergency.
- Do not use candles or open flames as a light source.
- Work with your neighbors. Check on elderly or those with special needs.
- As the storm hits, gather your family in a safe room.
Preparing to Evacuate
You may be directed to evacuate your place of residence in response to a potential emergency contingency. The opening and location of emergency shelters will be announced over military mobile public address systems and/or radio and television broadcast stations.
- Keep car fueled to at least ¾ full.
- Listen to radio or television broadcasts for local emergency announcements.
- Listen to mobile public address system emergency announcements.
- Follow evacuation instructions and advice of local officials including travel routes that are specified.
- Before a storm threatens, contact your veterinarian or local humane society for information on preparing your pets for an emergency.
- Bring your disaster supply kit, including important documents.
- Secure your home before leaving: Board up windows and glass doors, anchor loose yard objects or bring them inside and lock your doors.
Evacuating to a Shelter
In case of an emergency, you may be directed to go to an emergency shelter. When shelters have been ordered to open, personnel that will be sheltered must report to the Navy Exchange Mall for assignment and transportation to a designated location. Please do not report directly to shelters. Emergency shelters may be located on military installations or in the civilian community.
The emergency shelter is primarily to provide a refuge safer than your place of residence. It will not have food or blankets available. Alcoholic beverages and narcotics will not be allowed in emergency shelters.
- Assemble family. Leave a note for those absent. Give time, destination, and telephone number.
- Secure residence. Wedge sliding doors, lock windows and doors.
- Shut OFF electricity, gas and water.
- Take emergency supply kit.
- Prepare an emergency supply kit as time allows.
During the Event
DON’T … use the telephone. Leave lines open for emergency calls only. Overloading circuits slows down the entire phone system.
DON’T … touch downed power lines… or objects in contact with them. Severe shock or worse can result. Always assume that power lines are live.DON’T… use elevators. Power outages shut down elevator systems, often trapping occupants. Use stairways instead.DON’T… go sightseeing. Cooperate with local officials. For your own safety, never enter high risk areas.
DON’T… spread rumors. Get the facts from official sources. Consult GTE Hawaiian Tel white pages for Warnings and Procedures.
Returning Home
When you return home from the shelter, remember that the disaster may have created unsafe conditions. Before you move back in, check for:
- Structural damage
- Electrical short circuits
- Gas Leaks
- Broken water lines
- Contaminated food/water