Honolulu Welcomes German Defense Minister at DKI Speaker Series

By |2024-08-15T15:27:46-10:00August 8th, 2024|Categories: DKI APCSS, Special Event, news, Distinguished Visitors|Tags: , |

The Daniel K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies (DKI APCSS) recently hosted the latest installment of the DKI Speaker Series, co-sponsored by the Daniel K. Inouye Institute and the DKI APCSS Foundation. The event featured a keynote address by the Honorable Boris Pistorius, Germany’s Federal Minister of Defense.

DKI APCSS welcomes visiting Marshall Center faculty: Mullins and Withers

By |2020-01-10T08:29:01-10:00August 14th, 2019|Categories: Faculty, Special Event, news|

Dr. Sam Mullins (far right) participates in a panel discussion with Dr. Amira Jadoon (middle) and Assoc. Prof. Elina Noor (far left) during CSRT 19-1. The topic was “After the ‘Caliphate.’ Cooperation between Regional Centers was showcased when [...]

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