Public Affairs

By |2023-06-22T11:26:18-10:00October 4th, 2018|

The Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies Public Affairs Office provides public and internal information, as well as media and community relations support, for the APCSS.  Available Resources include press kits, fact sheets, and the latest edition of [...]

APCSSLink to be Upgraded

By |2016-01-21T13:03:05-10:00October 14th, 2011|Categories: Uncategorized|

Next week we’ll be upgrading our portal, APCSSLink.  This new, improved portal will come under the umbrella of GlobalNET and will feature customizable home pages, better navigation menus and a host of new features including online chat capabilities.  Being under the [...]

DSCA director visits APCSS

By |2011-01-08T03:21:19-10:00October 21st, 2010|Categories: Uncategorized|

Newly-appointed Director of Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) Vice Adm. William Landay visited APCSS Oct. 21 for an orientation of the Center provided by APCSS Director Lt. Gen. (Ret) E. P. Smith, faculty and staff. During the visit, Vice Adm. [...]

APCSS addresses the future of science and technology

By |2011-01-16T06:46:07-10:00October 8th, 2010|Categories: Uncategorized|

The workshop brought together subject matter experts, strategic policy planners, from throughout Asia-Pacific region. With the realization that ongoing scientific and technological developments will affect international security with potentially negative or harmful impacts and possibly provide critical opportunities [...]


By |2011-01-08T03:23:10-10:00September 16th, 2010|Categories: Uncategorized|

Lt. Gen. Duane Thiessen, Commander, U.S. Marine Forces, Pacific visited the Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies Sept. 16 for a tour and overview of the Center provided by APCSS Director Lt. Gen. (Ret.) E.P. Smith. During Thiessen's visit, Dir. Smith provided a [...]

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