By APCSS Editor|2020-04-06T09:33:13-10:00March 19th, 2020|
By: Cdr Rajinda Daniel (CMSC 19-1) As at today, there are 53 confirmed COVID-19 cases with 243 suspected. The first case was a Chinese tourist in January. Once she recovered, there were no cases until 11 Mar when it increased to 53 in [...]
By APCSS Editor|2020-04-06T09:35:49-10:00March 19th, 2020|
By: Oratile Adumeleng (CSRT 19-1) The economy is reliant mostly on diamonds and tourism, but at the moment, the tourism industry is halted till further notice. Tourists have cancelled bookings and safari and wilderness businesses are winding down with staff is [...]
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