Sri Lanka’s return to ethnic majoritarianism

By |2020-06-19T15:00:50-10:00June 19th, 2020|Categories: Tekwani, External Publications, news|Tags: , , |

DKI APCSS Professor Shyam Tekwani has a new article published by the East Asia Forum entitled “Sri Lanka’s return to ethnic majoritarianism.” In the article, Tekwani states that “Before Sri Lanka’s economy can be rebuilt or democratic institutions revitalised, the [...]

How China is using tourists to realise its geopolitical goals

By |2020-01-10T08:24:13-10:00September 20th, 2019|Categories: Opinions/Editorials, External Publications, news, Anwar|Tags: , , , |

DKI APCSS Research Fellow Anu Anwar has a new article in the East Asia Forum entitled "How China is using tourists to realise its geopolitical goals (link is external)." According to Anwar: "Two factors make regulating tourist flows tempting for [...]

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