Positioning ASEAN in Cyberspace

By |2020-05-05T10:06:27-10:00May 1st, 2020|Categories: Opinions/Editorials, Independent Faculty Articles, External Publications, Noor|Tags: , |

DKI APCSS Associate Professor Elina Noor recently published an article titled “Positioning ASEAN in Cyberspace” in Asia Policy, The National Bureau of Asian Research's a peer-reviewed scholarly journal presenting policy-relevant academic research on the Asia-Pacific. In this paper, Noor states [...]

North Korea’s ruling dynasty will continue, with Kim Yo-jong next in line

By |2020-05-01T16:10:29-10:00May 1st, 2020|Categories: Faculty Articles, Opinions/Editorials, External Publications, Minnich, news|Tags: , , |

DKI APCSS Professor James Minnich recently published an OpEd titled “North Korea's ruling dynasty will continue, with Kim Yo-jong next in line” in The Telegraph. In this paper, Minnich writes “Today’s potential succession questions are the same with the addition [...]

Commentary: How the US should respond to Xi’s assertive China

By |2019-12-07T19:52:58-10:00November 13th, 2019|Categories: Faculty Articles, Opinions/Editorials, External Publications, news, Anwar|

“How the US should respond to Xi’s assertive China” is a new commentary by DKI APCSS Research Fellow Anu Anwar for the Harvard Kennedy School Review. The article examines the nature of China’s assertiveness and offers policy recommendations for the [...]

RSIS Commentary — Belt and Road Initiative: Why China Pursues It

By |2019-12-10T08:33:30-10:00October 31st, 2019|Categories: Faculty Articles, Opinions/Editorials, news, Anwar|Tags: , , , |

“Belt and Road Initiative: Why China Pursues It” is a new commentary by DKI APCSS Research Fellow Anu Anwar for RSIS. The commentary diagnosis primary causes for China to push forward this initiative despite mounting economic and political risks. Anwar [...]

Korea paper updated now available in Spanish & Portuguese

By |2020-01-10T08:22:33-10:00October 18th, 2019|Categories: Faculty Articles, Opinions/Editorials, External Publications, Minnich, news|Tags: , , |

In 2018, then U.S. Army Colonel James M. Minnich wrote a paper entitled “North Korea Solution,  Changed Regime” for the Military Review, a U.S. Army professional journal. Versions of that paper are now available in both Spanish and Portuguese. In [...]

New paper on Synchronized Humanitarian, Military and Commercial Logistics

By |2020-01-10T08:23:32-10:00October 8th, 2019|Categories: Faculty Articles, Opinions/Editorials, External Publications, Canyon, news|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Several DKI APCS faculty members, past and present, have co-authored a paper entitled: “Synchronized Humanitarian, Military and Commercial Logistics: An Evolving Synergistic Partnership.” The paper was published on October 5, 2019, by the international journal Safety, and is authored by [...]

How China is using tourists to realise its geopolitical goals

By |2020-01-10T08:24:13-10:00September 20th, 2019|Categories: Opinions/Editorials, External Publications, news, Anwar|Tags: , , , |

DKI APCSS Research Fellow Anu Anwar has a new article in the East Asia Forum entitled "How China is using tourists to realise its geopolitical goals (link is external)." According to Anwar: "Two factors make regulating tourist flows tempting for [...]

Jihadist Infiltration of Migrant Flows to Europe: Taking Stock of Recent Events

By |2020-01-10T08:27:59-10:00September 14th, 2019|Categories: Courses, Faculty Articles, Opinions/Editorials, External Publications, Mullins|Tags: , , |

Dr. Sam Mullins recently had an article on "Jihadist Infiltration of Migrant Flows into Europe (link is external)" published by the European Eye on Radicalization webiste. The paper was written while he was still at the Marshall Center but we [...]

Why the US and its allies should keep ASEAN at the centre

By |2020-01-10T08:28:34-10:00September 12th, 2019|Categories: Faculty Articles, Opinions/Editorials, External Publications, news, Anwar|Tags: , |

New article by DKI APCSS Research Fellow Anu Anwar for the Lowy Institute on "Why the US and its allies should keep ASEAN at the centre (link is external)." In his article Anwar states: "For the US and its allies, [...]

Assoc. Prof. Lumbaca publishes an article on the changing landscape of terrorism

By |2019-10-24T10:08:11-10:00April 19th, 2019|Categories: Faculty, College, Opinions/Editorials, Independent Faculty Articles, External Publications, Lumbaca, news|Tags: , , |

DKI APCSS Associate Professor Lt. Col. J. “Lumpy” Lumbaca published an article in Small Wars Journal recently entitled “Indo-Pacific Terrorism: What to expect for the foreseeable future.” The article addresses the influence of the Islamic State on terrorists, the effective [...]

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