North Korea’s ruling dynasty will continue, with Kim Yo-jong next in line

By |2020-05-01T16:10:29-10:00May 1st, 2020|Categories: Faculty Articles, Opinions/Editorials, External Publications, Minnich, news|Tags: , , |

DKI APCSS Professor James Minnich recently published an OpEd titled “North Korea's ruling dynasty will continue, with Kim Yo-jong next in line” in The Telegraph. In this paper, Minnich writes “Today’s potential succession questions are the same with the addition [...]

Korea paper updated now available in Spanish & Portuguese

By |2020-01-10T08:22:33-10:00October 18th, 2019|Categories: Faculty Articles, Opinions/Editorials, External Publications, Minnich, news|Tags: , , |

In 2018, then U.S. Army Colonel James M. Minnich wrote a paper entitled “North Korea Solution,  Changed Regime” for the Military Review, a U.S. Army professional journal. Versions of that paper are now available in both Spanish and Portuguese. In [...]

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