Timothy N. Ketter

By |2025-01-27T09:47:56-10:00October 4th, 2024|Categories: Faculty, Biography, team|Tags: |

Captain Tim Ketter joined the Daniel K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies (DKI APCSS) in September 2024 following a tour at U.S. Pacific Fleet as the Chief of International Plans and Policy. Captain Ketter is an Indo-Pacific Foreign Area Officer (FAO) and a native of Columbus, Nebraska. He attended Boston University on a Navy ROTC scholarship receiving a Bachelor of Arts in International Relations and was commissioned into the Navy onboard the USS Constitution in May 1993. He also earned a Master of Arts degree in National Security and Strategic Studies from the U.S. Naval War College in 2004 and a Master's in Business Administration (MBA) from San Diego State University in 2005. Captain Ketter served in aviation tours as an S-3B Viking Naval Flight Officer, completing deployments to the Western Pacific, Middle East and Mediterranean Sea in support of Operations Southern Watch, Enduring Freedom, and Iraqi Freedom with Sea Control Squadron (VS) 21 assigned to USS Independence and USS Kitty Hawk, VS-38 assigned to USS Constellation and VS-22 assigned to USS Harry S. Truman. ​

David McElyea

By |2025-01-24T11:03:52-10:00September 27th, 2023|Categories: Biography, team|Tags: |

Professor David McElyea is a well-respected expert in the fields of maritime security cooperation, national security strategy, and economic security. He joined the Daniel K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies in October 2019 as a lecturer, bringing [...]

Secretary of the Navy Carlos Del Toro Speaks to the Fellows of CSC 22-2

By |2022-06-30T16:12:05-10:00June 15th, 2022|Categories: DKI APCSS, news|Tags: , , |

On Monday, June 13, Secretary of the Navy Carlos Del Toro spoke to the Fellows attending Comprehensive Security Cooperation Course 22-2 at the Daniel K. Inouye Asia Pacific Center for Security Studies. For Del Toro, the chance to [...]

Celebrating the life of Captain (ret.) Albert Shimkus Jr.

By |2022-05-03T16:30:30-10:00April 6th, 2022|Categories: Faculty, College, news, featured|Tags: , , , |

Captain (ret.) Albert Shimkus Jr. The Daniel K. Inouye Asia Pacific Center for Security Studies celebrates the life of former professor and Navy Captain Albert Shimkus Jr. (April 6, 1945 - March 12, 2022). Born in Hopedale Massachusetts, [...]

Ships Become Dangerous Places During a Pandemic

By |2020-05-05T15:45:10-10:00May 5th, 2020|Categories: Faculty Articles, Journal, Turvold, McMullin|Tags: , , |

“Ships Become Dangerous Places During a Pandemic” is a new paper authored by Wade Turvold and Jim McMullin for Security Nexus. In this paper, they illustrate the difficulties of life aboard ocean-going vessels and cite historic cases of how onboard ventilation [...]

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