Maritime Security Challenges 2014

By |2015-06-05T09:50:51-10:00October 3rd, 2014|Categories: Conference|

  From October 6-9, APCSS and the Canadian Navy, as hosted by the Naval League of Canada, will conduct the 2014 Maritime Security Challenges - Pacific Seapower Conference in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. The event brings together over 170 delegates [...]

Enhancing Maritime Resource Security in the Gulf of Thailand

By |2014-08-29T15:46:21-10:00August 21st, 2014|Categories: College, Conference, Workshop, Alumni|

Maritime Security is one of several focus areas for the Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies.  APCSS partnered with the World Ocean Council to conduct a multi-national workshop on preserving the Gulf of Thailand’s maritime assets, held August 12-14 in Singapore. [...]

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