APCSS class evaluates, debates issues associated with modern-day terrorism

By |2015-03-13T13:14:13-10:00March 13th, 2015|Categories: Courses, Faculty, College, Alumni, Staff|

Noor Haryantie Noor Sidin, with the Malaysia National Security Council, spearheads a small group discussion Feb. 26 on issues associated with terrorism and other transnational threats. Sidin took part in the Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies’ Comprehensive Responses to [...]

Renaming of the Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies

By |2021-01-14T14:28:35-10:00February 24th, 2015|Categories: Faculty, College, Staff|

Yesterday, the Hawaii Congressional Delegation announced the redesignation of the Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies as the Daniel K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies. The redesignation was included in the Fiscal Year 2015 National Defense Authorization Act and signed [...]


By |2013-10-06T11:46:22-10:00October 6th, 2013|Categories: Faculty, Staff|

ATTENTION APCSS EMPLOYEES (as 6 Oct), message from Vice Adm. Rixey, DSCA director. ALL APCSS staff and faculty should return to work tomorrow morning: "All, We have reviewed the SecDef guidance concerning the Pay Our Military Act and have concluded [...]

APCSS employees honored for excellence

By |2013-05-11T00:05:44-10:00May 10th, 2013|Categories: Courses, Staff|

  The APCSS leadership, award winners and supporting staff pose for a group photo after the ceremony. HONOLULU — Today, 13 Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies (APCSS) employees were recognized at the Honolulu-Pacific Federal Executive Board’s (FEB) 57th [...]

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