Indonesian Women Leadership Program in Cybersecurity
Project timeline: 5/25/2022 - 10/31/2022
Mrs. Intan Rahayu proposed a project to expand the role and increase involvement of Indonesian women in cybersecurity. Observing the necessity to diversify perspectives within this evolving field, Mrs. Rahayu organized a mentoring program that brought together women from various professions to deepen their understanding of leadership in cybersecurity. Her successful project yielded a 2-month program with 36 participants graduating from the course.
“Breaking the Silence” – Women, Peace and Security
Project timeline: 2/11/2015 - 8/12/2022
Committed to advancing women empowerment, Ms. Aarti Chataut pursued a project addressing sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) faced by Nepali women. She sought to provide a space for victims to discuss their story and inform the public about the gravity of such violence. Broadcast through Nepal Television, Ms. Chataut regularly produces and presents a TV Show, “Sangharsa - Pahal (Voice of the Voiceless).” She utilized her media platform to complete her Fellow Project and address sexual and gender-based violence in a special titled “Pahal - An Initiative Against Gender Based Violence.”
Digital Documentation of Vehicles & Persons at Port Entry / Exit Gates
Project timeline: 9/21/2022 - 8/15/2023
Mr. Harsha Weerasuriya sought to enhance the security measures within Sri Lanka’s maritime ports by streamlining access control procedures and modernizing documentation efforts. Faced with a high volume of consistent activity, Sri Lanka’s ports were faced with the challenge of manually documenting each individual and vehicle accessing these High Security Zones. Mr. Weerasuriya successfully implemented a system that digitizes this process using mobile Barcode/QR Code Scanners, alleviating the time-consuming nature of manual registration.
Awarding Accredited University Qualification for Sri Lanka Army War College Courses
Project timeline: 2/15/2023 – 11/7/2023
Colonel Thusitha Jayarathne sought to provide additional opportunities for officers in the Sri Lanka Army War College by awarding academic qualifications to its courses. He recognized the benefits of receiving accreditation because officers had to balance coursework alongside their potential deployment and intense scheduling. His Fellow Project provided postgraduate diplomas to eligible students.
DKI APCSS – Mongolia Security Dialogue
Project timeline: 2/15/2023 – 10/30/2023
Dr. Mendee Jargalsaikhan observed a disconnect in the security dialogue between Mongolia and the United States despite shared interests and an extensive network of DKI APCSS alumni. To address this knowledge gap, he proposed an event between DKI APCSS and the Institute for Strategic Studies of Mongolia titled “APCSS – Mongolia Security Dialogue.” Experts came together to discuss threats and challenges in the Indo-Pacific and potential future iterations of this event.
A curriculum to address the role of women in countering extremism in the Maldives
Project timeline: 10/25/2017- 2/14/2023
Ms. Hawwa Abdul Raheem is an expert lecturer at the College of Defense and Security Studies. Recognizing the significance of violent extremism in the Maldives, she developed a curriculum on the role of women in countering extremism. She sought to design and conduct awareness programs that would ensure household women knew of the extremists’ threats in the Maldives. Her project equipped women with the media literacy necessary to differentiate between harmful sites and informational sites. She has since conducted several successful awareness programs with the assistance of the Maldives National Counter-Terrorism Center (NCTC).
Working Group for Indonesian Cyber Crisis Management
Project timeline: 6/17/2021- 1/1/2022
In 2022, Indonesia experienced several massive cyberattacks, with the number of potential attacks increasing. Ms. Ruri Prabaswari knew that two things were necessary to anticipate and overcome this situation: national regulations regarding cyber crisis management and a national cyber crisis team. As a result, she formulated a plan to protect her nation's critical infrastructure sectors. Ms. Prabaswari recommended the creation of a National Cyber Crisis Management Team, which will form the blueprint for establishing Indonesia’s National Cyber Crisis Management.
Climate Change and National Security Training Program
Project timeline: 6/17/2021- 1/1/2022
Ms. Amparo Pamela Fabe designed a program to address climate change issues within national security discussions. She prepared a training program on Climate Change and National Security for the National Police College. Following her success, Ms. Fabe briefed the Philippine National Security Adviser on the impact of Climate Change on National Security, including senior officers of the Coast Guard, Philippine National Police, Bureau of Jail Management, Bureau of Corrections, and the Bureau of Fire Protection.
Improved the communication flow on the approval of individual military deployments to the United Nations Peace Operations
Project timeline: 10/26/2022- 3/6/2023
Ms. Kristine Camille Cablayan sought to improve the implementation of a previous memorandum concerning effective military deployments to the United Nations Peace Operation (UNPO). She ultimately produced a Department Circular establishing guidelines that improved the communication flow processing military deployments. Her project produced strong cooperation among different offices within the United Nations to coordinate these deployments into conflict zones.
Policy Paper on National Security Strategy and Air Power
Project timeline: 6/17/2021 - 8/2/2022
Ms. Mahima Duggal’s proposed a research project focused on air power in the Indo-Pacific and its strategic importance. She prepared a policy memo titled “A New Air Power Doctrine for the New Era” that emphasized the importance of establishing a refined doctrine that encapsulates opportunities and challenges for India. She released her paper as part of the Air Power in the Indo-Pacific book project aimed at the Indian Air Force leadership. She is also involved in another project about air power dynamics in East Asia.