What Japan must do now

By |2014-08-29T16:15:46-10:00March 13th, 2012|Categories: Faculty, Faculty Articles, Hornung|

Japan has made extraordinary progress in recovering from last year’s earthquake and tsunami. But will political bickering stop progress in its tracks?  That’s the subject of a new article “What Japan Must Do Now” by APCSS’ Dr. Jeffery Hornung published [...]

Glum and glummer in Japan

By |2016-09-02T10:59:53-10:00February 18th, 2011|Categories: Research, Faculty Articles, Hornung|

Dr. Jeffrey Hornung recently published an article entitled "Glum & Glummer in Japan" in the Asia Pacific Bulletin.  The article focuses on Japan's political parties and what's next for Japan. The Asia Pacific Bulletin is published by the East West [...]

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