New paper on women’s role in disaster management and its implications for national security

By |2020-03-10T11:03:57-10:00July 11th, 2017|Categories: Faculty, College, Faculty Articles, Ear, Independent Faculty Articles, Women Peace and Security, Analytical|Tags: |

Why women in Asia-Pacific countries are more susceptible to disaster impacts?  This topic is explored in a new paper by DKI APCSS professor Jessica Ear on “Women’s Role in Disaster Management and Implications for National Security.” Her paper examines [...]

APCSS professor releases analytical report on Security Sector Reform

By |2017-12-22T15:21:54-10:00April 28th, 2014|Categories: Courses, Faculty, Research, Faculty Articles, JNankivell, Analytical|

In his latest paper on Security Sector Reform, Dr. Justin Nankivell discusses how Chile serves as a good model for Asia-Pacific nations to take note of. According to Nankivell, “as the Asia-Pacific region continues its momentous rise in the 21st [...]

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