APCSS Courses

Happy 26th Anniversary DKI APCSS

By |2021-09-03T22:39:18-10:00September 3rd, 2021|Categories: Courses, Alumni, news|Tags: |

September 4, 2021, marks the 26th Anniversary of the Daniel K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies. In this video, DKI APCSS Director Pete Gumataotao invites Alumni to join him in celebrating our 26th year as partners in educating, connecting and empowering security practitioners. He also reflects on the challenges of the past 16 months and highlights some inspiring experiences that he attributes to working with the DKI APCSS Alumni. Watch this video for his full message.

CSRT 21-1: Counterterrorism Course Goes Out with a Bang, Paves the Way for New, Comprehensive Security Cooperation Program

By |2021-08-13T15:31:24-10:00August 13th, 2021|Categories: Courses, College, news|Tags: |

From July 12-15, DKI APCSS successfully conducted the final iteration of its long standing counterterrorism (CT) course, the Comprehensive Security Responses to Terrorism program (CSRT 21-1), which has been running since 2005 and has more than 1,600 graduates from throughout the Indo-Pacific region and around the globe. In future, CT will be covered in the new, Comprehensive Security Cooperation (CSC) program, which will be launched by DKI APCSS in 2022. Adapting to the Pandemic Historically, CSRT has been conducted at the DKI APCSS facilities in Waikiki over a period of four to five weeks. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, CSRT [...]

Comprehensive Maritime Security Cooperation Module

By |2021-06-24T17:01:45-10:00June 24th, 2021|Categories: Courses, College, DKI APCSS, news|Tags: , , |

The Daniel K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies completed the virtual Comprehensive Maritime Security Cooperation (CMSC) 21-1 module held June 14-17, 2021. For 80 Fellows from 20 countries, this module was an opportunity to refresh regional awareness of the importance of maritime security. The event focused on maritime security in Southeast Asia, and looked at two challenges in the region. The first was the challenge to the rules-based international order in the South China Sea, and the second was the emerging security threat that climate change poses to the maritime environment of the region. Two keynote speakers opened the [...]

DKI APCSS faculty presents at Thai Strategic Studies Center

By |2021-05-26T15:49:40-10:00May 26th, 2021|Categories: Courses, College, DKI APCSS, news|Tags: , , |

The Royal Thai Armed Forces’ Strategic Studies Center of the National Defence Studies Institute hosted their second Senior Security Studies Program, May 17-21, 2021, in Bangkok.  The intensive one-week program for senior Thai security sector leaders emphasized key geopolitical and security trends in the region as well as capacities to manage these for both leaders and institutions.  Center leadership and faculty members from The Daniel K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies supported the program as lecturers. In the opening ceremonies, General Siravuth Wongkantee, Commanding General of the National Defence Studies Institute, emphasized the importance of the partnership with the [...]

IPOC Goes HyFlex Globally

By |2021-03-04T15:27:19-10:00March 4th, 2021|Categories: Courses, news|Tags: , |

A record-setting 210 Fellows attended the newly-created HyFlex course, designed to accommodate in-house and virtual participation due to COVID-19 restrictions. The Daniel K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies (DKI APCSS) expanded its educational program with a Hybrid-Flex or HyFlex model, that welcomed a global class of 210 Fellows to the Indo-Pacific Orientation Course (IPOC) 21-1 from Feb. 22-26, 2021. Dr. James M. Minnich, the course manager, explained that “HyFlex is an educational model that is concurrently delivered in-resident to some and online to others; each according to their needs.” Adjusting for COVID-19 social distancing protocols, 120 Hawaii-based [...]

Announcing Indo-Pacific Orientation Course (IPOC) 21-1

By |2020-12-30T12:37:39-10:00December 8th, 2020|Categories: Courses, DKI APCSS, news|Tags: , , , |

The Indo-Pacific Orientation Course (IPOC) 21-1 is scheduled from Feb. 22-26, 2021. IPOC prepares U.S. security practitioners and partner nations to knowledgeably engage in cooperative security efforts that build capacity to advance a free and open Indo-Pacific. This five-day course will execute in hybrid with four days online and one day in-resident for Oahu-based participants; all others participants will be integrated into their seminars while conducting the course exclusively online. Interested U.S. and international government employees in the military grade equivalencies of O4-O7 can contact DKI APCSS Recruiter Mr. Terry Slattery at slatteryt@apcss.org by Jan. 11, 2021. IPOC course description [...]

IPOC Goes Hybrid in the Center’s First Course since the Start of the COVID Pandemic

By |2020-12-16T08:33:35-10:00November 21st, 2020|Categories: Courses, College, news|Tags: , |

The Daniel K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies (DKI APCSS) reopened its doors Nov. 16 to welcome 60 Fellows attending the Indo-Pacific Orientation Course (IPOC) 20-1. IPOC 20-1, a highly sought after executive education experience for U.S. security practitioners, spanned an intensive week of discussions and applied learning activities on key security issues and trends affecting the Indo-Pacific region. The course ended Nov. 20. The course design used teaching methodologies centered on transformative learning. To adjust for the COVID-19 pandemic, the course management team, led by Dr. James M. Minnich, designed the course as a five-day hybrid program of in-resident [...]

The Hale Koa Hotel 25th Anniversary Presentation

By |2020-11-06T15:45:27-10:00November 6th, 2020|Categories: Courses, news|Tags: , , |

The Hale Koa Hotel honored the 25th Anniversary of the Daniel K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies during a presentation on Nov. 5, 2020.  In a small ceremony at the hotel, DKI APCSS senior leadership was presented with a framed photo with a placard recognizing the 25th anniversary milestone. “We are very grateful for the many years of official partnering with the Hale Koa Hotel, for the courtesy and professionalism of the staff, and especially for the friendship and genuine concern for mission and people of DKI APCSS.  We could not have a better neighbor, friend and ‘Mayor’ of Fort [...]

First course on Comprehensive Crisis Management of 2020 concludes

By |2020-02-27T16:28:31-10:00February 26th, 2020|Categories: Courses, College|

CCM 20-1 Fellows pose for their official group photo with DKI APCSS leadership and faculty. One hundred and seven Fellows from 44 locations completed the Comprehensive Crisis Management course (CCM 20-1) held at the Daniel K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies (DKI APCSS) from Jan. 23 – Feb. 26, 2020. CCM is an annual executive education program designed to educate security practitioners in problem formulation, preparedness, response and resilience. The curriculum, which runs over six weeks, enhances crisis capacity by developing a strong foundation in systems thinking followed by content on leadership, communication, negotiation and other relevant skills [...]

An Analysis of Australian Defense Policy from 1901 to Present

By |2020-01-31T16:03:44-10:00January 31st, 2020|Categories: Courses|Tags: , , |

“An Analysis of Australian Defense Policy from 1901 to Present,” written by Major Jeremy P. Brown, U.S. Army, is the latest addition to the Security Nexus series by the Daniel K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies. Abstract: Scholars generally consider there to be three main eras in Australian Defense Policy: The Imperial Defense era (1901-1945), Forward Defense era (1950-1975) and Defense of Australia era (1975-1997).  These eras are informed by world events, leaders and outside powers that influence defense policy on the continent.  This analytical analysis examines each major conceptual approach and themes defining defense policy throughout Australia’s history.  Additionally, [...]

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