Discover Lt. Col. Robyn Fellowes’ early life on a Queensland farm, her path to becoming the first Australian woman to earn the Commando Green Beret, and her extensive global operational experiences. We’ll explore her pivotal role as a military gender adviser, her influence in shaping the role of women in the military, insights from her memoir “Wings of Change,” and her invaluable advice for aspiring leaders.

Lt Col Robyn Fellowes (Recommended on March 11, 2024)
“Winning the Peace: Profiles of Australian Gender Advisors on Military Operations” by Group Captain (Dr) Deanne ‘Dee’ Gibbon, CSC OAM (Australian Defence Organisation, 2023)

Upcoming Webinars

Technology is reshaping the global order. Nations no longer compete solely through military might but through technological dominance. From semiconductors to artificial intelligence, control of critical and emerging technologies (CET) translates into economic power, national security, and global influence. Join our webinar, “The Great Game of Digital Dominance,” featuring Professor John Hemmings and hosted by Professor James Minnich for expert insights into the escalating tech rivalry and its profound implications for the future.

Key Questions:

  • How does the past shape the US-China tech conflict? • Where does China lead… and where does the US maintain an edge?
  • Can China achieve its ambition to become the world’s leading tech superpower?
  • What are the consequences of the tech cold war for security and innovation?
  • How can nations govern the rapid pace of technological change?

May 6, 2024 03:00 PM Hawaii time
Register now! This webinar is vital for policymakers, business leaders, and anyone interested in the shifting balance of global power in the digital age.