DKI APCSS & RSIS joint publication on Disaster Response Regional Architectures Assessing Future Possibilities

By |2017-10-03T14:35:49-10:00September 11th, 2017|Categories: Faculty, College, Faculty Articles, Ear, Canyon, Shanahan|

Click here for high-res version   “Disaster Response Regional Architectures: Assessing Future Possibilities” is a new joint publication by the Daniel K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies and the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies. The concept [...]

New paper on women’s role in disaster management and its implications for national security

By |2020-03-10T11:03:57-10:00July 11th, 2017|Categories: Faculty, College, Faculty Articles, Ear, Independent Faculty Articles, Women Peace and Security, Analytical|Tags: |

Why women in Asia-Pacific countries are more susceptible to disaster impacts?  This topic is explored in a new paper by DKI APCSS professor Jessica Ear on “Women’s Role in Disaster Management and Implications for National Security.” Her paper examines [...]

APCSS Professor Presents Workshop Findings at the Third United Nations World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (WCDRR)

By |2016-01-21T14:01:51-10:00April 15th, 2015|Categories: Courses, Faculty, Faculty Articles, Ear|

After a workshop is complete there is always a question of what’s next? What will happen with this information? Recently, findings from one workshop were shared at a United Nations World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction. Associate Professor Jessica Ear [...]

Education Crucial to Future U.S. HADR Missions – Prof. Jessica Ear

By |2017-03-09T13:30:07-10:00March 13th, 2014|Categories: Ear, Opinions/Editorials|

by Prof. Jessica Ear Professor Jessica Ear shares her experiences with Fellows attending the Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies. Photo by William R. Goodwin.   Associate Professor Jessica Ear presented a lecture at the Japan National Defense Academy [...]

Natural Disasters in the Pacific

By |2014-02-20T09:26:16-10:00February 19th, 2014|Categories: College, Campbell, Oehlers, Ear|

The Armed Forces Network recently ran a series on humanitarian assistance and disaster relief (HA/DR) in the U.S. Pacific Command area of responsibility. The story by U.S. Air Force Technical Sgt. Michael Jackson features interviews with experts from the Asia-Pacific [...]

APCSS jointly produces new publication

By |2015-10-26T10:00:00-10:00August 30th, 2012|Categories: Courses, Faculty, Research, Faculty Articles, Azizian, Campbell, Malik, Vuving, Wieninger, Ear, JNankivell, Byrd, KNankivell, Hauger, Forman|

On the eve of the APEC 2012 summit, which begins next week in Vladivostok, Russia, it is our pleasure to announce the publication of the volume “From APEC 2011 TO APEC 2012: American and Russian Perspectives on Asia-Pacific Security and [...]

Issues for Engagement: Asian Perspectives on Transnational Security Challenges

By |2015-10-26T10:27:45-10:00June 18th, 2010|Categories: Faculty, Research, Faculty Articles, Azizian, Campbell, Vuving, Fouse, Tekwani, Ear, Byrd, KNankivell|

-+ “Issues for Engagement: Asian Perspectives on Transnational Security Challenges,” edited by David Fouse, is the latest book published by the Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies. According to Fouse, “The chapters in this volume analyze security priorities at the individual [...]

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