Security Nexus Webinar | Episode 16: Ukraine War, Global Power Shifts, and Security Implications for the Indo-Pacific

By |2024-05-31T06:20:10-10:00May 22nd, 2024|Categories: Minnich, news, webinar, Media, Security Nexus Webinar|Tags: |

On May 28, the Security Nexus Webinar, hosted by Dr. James Minnich, Colonel USA Retired and DKI APCSS Professor, featured a compelling discussion with Dr. Rouben Azizian, Professor at Massey University’s Centre for Defence and Security Studies, New Zealand. The session focused on the state of the war in Ukraine, its impact on global power dynamics, the evolving security landscape in the Indo-Pacific region, and so much more. 

Security Nexus Webinar | Episode 15: The Philippines Builds Security, Faces Challenges

By |2024-05-22T15:08:18-10:00May 20th, 2024|Categories: Watson, Minnich, news, webinar, Media, Security Nexus Webinar|Tags: |

In a rapidly changing Indo-Pacific, understanding the Philippines’ strategic decisions is critical for policymakers, military leaders, and anyone invested in regional stability. The Philippines, a crucial player, faces a dynamic security landscape shaped by historical alliances and modern partnerships like the recent trilateral summit. As the nation navigates complex regional shifts, including China’s assertiveness, it leans on partners like Japan.

Security Nexus Webinar | Episode 14: The Great Game of Digital Dominance

By |2024-05-07T15:40:04-10:00May 6th, 2024|Categories: Minnich, news, hemmings, webinar, Media, Security Nexus Webinar|Tags: |

Technology is reshaping the global order. Nations no longer compete solely through military might but through technological dominance. From semiconductors to artificial intelligence, control of critical and emerging technologies (CET) translates into economic power, national security, and global influence. Join our webinar, “The Great Game of Digital Dominance,” featuring Professor John Hemmings and hosted by Professor James Minnich, for expert insights into the escalating tech rivalry and its profound implications for the future. Key Questions: How does the past shape the US-China tech conflict? • Where does China lead… and where does the US maintain an edge? Can China [...]

Security Nexus Webinar | Episode 13: Competing in the Gray Zone

By |2024-05-06T11:01:28-10:00April 24th, 2024|Categories: Minnich, news, Mullins, webinar, Media, Security Nexus Webinar|Tags: |

The world is changing. Are your strategies? Nations are vying for dominance in the Gray Zone – a shadowy realm of covert operations, cyber-attacks, and relentless disinformation campaigns waged below the level of open warfare. Join us for the Security Nexus Webinar | Episode 13: “Competing in the Gray Zone” to explore this evolving threat landscape and how it’s reshaping global power with Professor Sam Mullins and host Professor James Minnich Key questions we’ll address: Why are nations flocking to the Gray Zone? How has technology transformed these tactics into even greater threats? What are Russia’s and China’s distinct [...]

Security Nexus Webinar | Episode 12: Bolster Resilience and Restore Trust in the Information Environment

By |2024-04-10T13:48:05-10:00April 10th, 2024|Categories: Minnich, news, Kunce, webinar, Media, Security Nexus Webinar|Tags: |

Confronting a Tumultuous Information Landscape In an era where falsehoods spread faster than the truth, Security Nexus Webinar Episode 12 addressed the urgent need for societal resilience and the restoration of trust within our Information Environment. Led by Colonel James Minnich (Retired) and featuring Professor Beth Kunce, the discussion offered practical strategies to counter misinformation, protect citizens, and build an ethical, trustworthy digital landscape. 

Addressing the Diversity of Water Challenges in the Indo-Pacific: Need for Broad Cooperative Approaches

By |2024-03-14T13:23:26-10:00March 14th, 2024|Categories: External Publications, news, Allen|Tags: , |

Water security is a pressing issue in the Indo-Pacific region, impacting everything from individual survival to national and international stability. In his latest article, “Addressing the Diversity of Water Challenges in the Indo-Pacific: Need for Broad Cooperative Approaches,” published in the Journal of Indo-Pacific Affairs, Dr. Ethan Allen examines the diverse water challenges arising from climate change, geography, population growth, and other factors across the region. The article highlights that collaborative, cooperative approaches combining technological/scientific and political/governmental perspectives are crucial to addressing threats to water security and resilience at various scales. Key Takeaways: Water challenges manifest along axes like scale, time, causation, quantity, and quality, giving rise to internal tensions within nations and [...]

Security Nexus | Webinar Episode 11: North Korea: Beyond the Headlines – Unveil the Reality with Glyn Ford

By |2024-03-11T15:20:23-10:00March 11th, 2024|Categories: Minnich, news, Security Nexus Webinar|Tags: |

In the latest episode of the Security Nexus Webinar, viewers were treated to an enlightening discussion that ventured deep into the heart of North Korea’s complex socio-political landscape. Episode 11, titled “North Korea beyond the Headlines, Unveiling the Reality with Glyn Ford,” was expertly navigated by host James Minnich, a retired Colonel of the United States Army and a distinguished professor at DKI APCSS. North Korea, often depicted through a lens of hostility and isolation, was dissected beyond its typical portrayal, revealing the intricacies that underpin its actions on the global stage. The webinar emphasized the importance of [...]

Security Nexus | Webinar Episode 10: Australia’s First Female Commando: A Tale of Resilience

By |2024-03-13T16:47:24-10:00March 11th, 2024|Categories: Minnich, news, Security Nexus Webinar|Tags: |

Discover Lt. Col. Robyn Fellowes' early life on a Queensland farm, her path to becoming the first Australian woman to earn the Commando Green Beret, and her extensive global operational experiences. We'll explore her pivotal role as a military gender adviser, her influence in shaping the role of women in the military, insights from her memoir "Wings of Change," and her invaluable advice for aspiring leaders. Lt Col Robyn Fellowes (Recommended on March 11, 2024) “Winning the Peace: Profiles of Australian Gender Advisors on Military Operations” by Group Captain (Dr) Deanne ‘Dee’ Gibbon, CSC OAM (Australian Defence Organisation, 2023) [...]

South Korea’s Offensive Military Strategy and Its Dilemma

By |2024-03-01T16:15:44-10:00March 1st, 2024|Categories: Faculty Articles, External Publications, news, Cho|Tags: , , |

Dr. Sungmin Cho’s article, recently published by CSIS, sheds light on South Korea’s offensive military strategy amid shifting dynamics with North Korea. While North Korea’s recent stance has sparked debates, Cho highlights the significance of understanding South Korea’s approach. Defense Minister Shin Won-sik’s emphasis on immediate and forceful responses underscores South Korea’s defensive intent, though uncertainties remain regarding Pyongyang’s perceptions and the management of escalating risks. Cho delves into the evolution of South Korea’s offensive doctrine, notably its "three-axis system," illustrating the nation’s reliance on advanced capabilities to counter North Korea’s nuclear threat. However, concerns arise regarding the legality and [...]

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