
By |2024-05-20T14:59:04-10:00November 4th, 2019|Tags: |

Volume 24 - 2023 Volume 23 - 2022 Volume 22 - 2021 Volume 21 - 2020 Volume 20 - 2019 Volume 19 - 2018 Volume 18 - 2017 Volume 17 - 2016 Volume 16 - 2015 Volume 15 - 2014 Volume 14 - 2013 Volume 13 - 2012 Volume 12 - 2011 Volume 11 - 2010 Volume 10 - 2009 Volume 9 - 2008 Volume 8 - 2007 Volume 7 - 2006 Volume 6 - 2005 Volume 5 - 2004 [...]

Author Instructions

By |2024-02-16T14:30:08-10:00October 31st, 2019|Tags: |

Article Types Reports: ≤1500 word short articles on events, exercises, trips, conferences, projects, etc. Perspectives: ≤3000 word editorials, commentaries, opinions, policy papers Research: ≤6000 word systematic PRISMA reviews, original research, analytical papers Title page: The title page should give the title of the article, and the names, addresses, qualifications and positions of all authors plus email address for the corresponding author. Articles must demonstrate clear relevance to security practitioners in the Indo-Pacific region. Authorship: Authorship credit should be based only on substantial contribution by each author. Abstract: An abstract is only required for Article Types 2 and 3 (see above) [...]

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