Dr. Miemie Byrd
- Security Nexus Paper Explores India’s Strategic Role in Myanmar Amidst China’s Influence
- Dr. Miemie Byrd’s latest article for the Diplomat
- Is the Myanmar military on verge of falling from power?
- Security Nexus | Webinar Episode 8: Myanmar: Three Years of Conflict, What’s Next?
- OpEd: A prescription to revive the Myanmar economy
- Dr. Byrd briefs members of Japan’s Upper House
- Myanmar Economy in Tailspin, 2 Years after the Military Coup
- Another Strategic Error from Myanmar’s Military Junta
- Myanmar’s U-turn: Implications of the Military Coup on Strategic Competition in the Indo-Pacific
- Women on the Front Lines in Myanmar’s Fight for Democracy
- Hindsight, Insight, Foresight: Thinking about Security in the Indo-Pacific.
- The Voice of America Burmese Service interviewed Dr. Miemie Winn Byrd
- Security Implications of Mass Returning Migrant Workers Due to COVID-19 Crisis
- The Security Risks of Rising Inequality
- Why North Korea Won’t Follow Myanmar’s Path to Reform – Dr. Miemie Winn Byrd
- APCSS jointly produces new publication
- Issues for Engagement: Asian Perspectives on Transnational Security Challenges
Dr. Deon Canyon
- Workshop Held to Review Maldives’ Strategy on Preventing Violent Extremism
- Faculty members attend the fourth Mekong-U.S. Partnership Track 1.5 Policy Dialogue
- DKI APCSS Releases Book on Oceania Security
- Improving Pandemic Response with Military Tools: Using Enhanced Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance
- Policy recommendations for combatting overfishing and fisheries crime
- Learning to Live with Endemic Covid-19
- A Biodefense Fusion Center to Improve Disease Surveillance and Early Warnings to Enhance National Security
- Military and Private Sector HADR – Now a Sophisticated Tool for Strategic Competition
- Wargaming Future National Security Threats Posed by Emerging Vector-Borne Diseases
- Combating Health-Related Cyber Security Threats with Health Systems Approaches
- Senior Leaders Wargame Insights into the U.S. – North Korea Nuclear Standoff
- Goldilocks Power and the Reform of Irregular Warfare in a Changing World
- India Leading International HADR Cooperation in South Asia
- SARS-COV-2 Mutations, Variants, and National Security
- An International Public Health and Virus Surveillance Network for National Security
- Anti-Vaccine Sentiment – an Existential Disrupter of National and International Security
- Looking Forward: Pandemic, Economic, Vaccine and Social Predictions for ‘Year Two’
- Time for the Pacific Islands Forum to Step-Back and Heal
- A Network of Maritime Fusion Centers Throughout the Indo-Pacific
- Competitive Security Gaming: Rethinking Wargaming to Provide Competitive Intelligence that Informs Strategic Competition and National Security
- Planning for Military Involvement in an Indo-Pacific Pandemic Vaccination Program
- Is the U.S. Relationship with Australia Detrimental to Strategic Aspirations with Papua New Guinea?
- Perceptions of U.S. Posture in Papua New Guinea
- Strategic Competition, National Security and the Need for ‘Competitive Intelligence’
- Maritime Domain Awareness and Maritime Fusion Centers
- Gaming Major Power Rivalry and Climate Disasters Using Systems Tools
- Why Militaries Should Play Games With Each Other
- China’s Global Security Aspirations with Afghanistan and the Taliban
- An International Biodefense Shield Alliance against Pathogens from China
- Why We Need a Regional Approach for Crisis Management with North Korea
- The Intersection of Global Health, Military Medical intelligence, and National Security in the Management of Transboundary Hazards and Outbreaks
- Policy Guidance for Pakistan’s Oscillation Response to COVID-19
- A Health Security Pandemic Checklist for Developing Nations and Donors
- Urgent Policies Required to Grant Public Access to Protected Health Information during Emergency Disease Outbreaks and Pandemics
- Structuring ASEAN military involvement in disaster management and the ASEAN Militaries Ready Group
- The Post-COVID19 World: Globalization with Different Characteristics
- The Nexus Between the COVID-19 Pandemic, International Relations, and International Security
- COVID-19 Lockdown Easing and Restricting Color Framework for Local Government
- Sending the COVID-19 Immune to Work to Prevent Economic Catastrophe
- Perceptions of Indigenous Security Practitioners on China’s Geostrategic Activities in the Pacific
- The Value of Thought Leadership in a World in Crisis
- Incremental Community-Based Exit Strategies for Initiating and Removing Covid-19 Lockdowns
- New paper on Synchronized Humanitarian, Military and Commercial Logistics
- The Critical Role of Crisis Resilience in Building and Sustaining Political, Economic and Social Stability
- Faculty addresses HADR rationale in Indo-Pacific
- DKI APCSS & RSIS joint publication on Disaster Response Regional Architectures Assessing Future Possibilities
- Associate Professor Canyon Co-Authors New Paper
- The Integration of International Migrants into Western Society
- World Humanitarian Summit Report – Dr. Deon Canyon
Dr. J. Scott Hauger
- APCSS Publishes New Book ‘Regionalism, Security & Cooperation in Oceania’
- APCSS Faculty releases a publication entitle ‘Interface of Science, Technology & Security’
- APCSS jointly produces new publication
Dr. Mohan Malik
- New faculty article on Maritime Maneuvers and Geopolitical Shifts in the Indo-Pacific
- Dr. Malik examines growing rivalry in the Indian Ocean with new article
- ‘Caught in a Tug-of-war’ a new article published by Dr. Malik
- Dr. Malik publishes article on Beijing’s massive infrastructure initiative
- DKI APCSS professor publishes an article on Myanmar’s Role in China’s Maritime Silk Road Initiative
- OpEd: China and India: The Roots of Hostility
- Dr. Mohan Malik articles focus on regional security policy dynamics published in World Affairs and Defense Dossier
- Dr. Mohan Malik’s writing, comments on South China Sea issue appears in five venues
- Opinion: Maritime maneuvers signal turbulence for South China Sea – Dr. Mohan Malik
- DKI APCSS professor interviewed on Asia in Review
- Maritime Security in the Indo-Pacific: Perspectives from China, India, and the United States
- APCSS Professor Malik Published in The Diplomat entitled ‘China and Strategic Imbalance’
- Stakes Are High in Asia’s Changing Geopolitical Landscape
- Latest articles by APCSS’ Dr. Mohan Malik
- APCSS professor participates in workshop on emerging markets and mounting tensions
- APCSS Faculty releases a publication entitle ‘Interface of Science, Technology & Security’
- APCSS jointly produces new publication
- New articles published by APCSS faculty
- More articles published by APCSS faculty
- The International Order in the Age of ‘China versus the Rest’
- APCSS professor publishes article on U.S. – China relations
- New articles by APCSS faculty members
- Asia’s Great Naval Rivalry
- China & India: Great Power Rivals
- New APCSS faculty publications…
Lt. Col. Scott D. McDonald
- DKI APCSS Alumni Bring Regional Perspective to Maritime Security Challenges
- Implementing a Free and Open Indo-Pacific Strategy
- New OpEd on US-China Relations published
Col. James M. Minnich
- Dialogue #34 Sri Lanka’s Tide Turns
- Dialogue #33 | Sustainability and Responsibility in Space
- Dialogue #32 | Seoul Between Moscow and Pyongyang
- Dialogue | Episode 31: Indo-Pacific Underwater Competition
- Dialogue Episode 30 | Conflict’s End in Ukraine
- Dialogue | Episode 29: Malaysia Between Giants
- The Security Nexus Webinar | Episode 28: Law and Rising Seas: Navigating Ocean Change
- The Security Nexus Webinar | Episode 27: Navigating Tensions in the South China Sea
- Security Nexus Webinar | Episode 25: Bangladesh in Turmoil: The Revolution, Its Fallout, and the Road Ahead
- Security Nexus Webinar | Episode 24: North Korea-Russia Alliance: Economic and Geopolitical Implications
- Security Nexus Webinar | Episode 23: China’s Strategic Culture: Confucianism or Realpolitik?
- Security Nexus Webinar | Episode 22: Jihadist Terrorism in the Indo-Pacific: Resurgence and Resilience in the Post-Caliphate Era
- Security Nexus Webinar | Episode 21: From Promises to Reality: Analyzing the 2024 Indian Elections
- Security Nexus Webinar | Episode 20: India’s Security Outlook in Modi’s Third Term
- Security Nexus Webinar | Episode 17: Outlaw Empires: The Rise of Motorcycle Gangs and the Global Security Threat
- Security Nexus Webinar | Episode 16: Ukraine War, Global Power Shifts, and Security Implications for the Indo-Pacific
- Security Nexus Webinar | Episode 15: The Philippines Builds Security, Faces Challenges
- Security Nexus Webinar | Episode 14: The Great Game of Digital Dominance
- Security Nexus Webinar | Episode 13: Competing in the Gray Zone
- Security Nexus Webinar | Episode 12: Bolster Resilience and Restore Trust in the Information Environment
- ROK-US Alliance: 70 for 70
- Security Nexus | Webinar Episode 11: North Korea: Beyond the Headlines – Unveil the Reality with Glyn Ford
- Security Nexus | Webinar Episode 9: Fishing for Security from Sea Slavery
- Security Nexus | Webinar Episode 8: Myanmar: Three Years of Conflict, What’s Next?
- Security Nexus | Webinar Episode 9 and Episode 11 Double Feature
- Security Nexus | Webinar Episode 7: Taiwan’s Post-election Strategic Future
- Security Nexus | Webinar Episode 6: Power Play in South Asia
- Security Nexus | Webinar Episode 5: Nuclear Indo-Pacific
- Propellants of DPR Korea’s Arms Buildup
- Arms buildup between two Koreas heightens risk of conventional and nuclear war
- Denuclearization through Peace: A Policy Approach to Change North Korea from Foe to Friend
- Hindsight, Insight, Foresight: Thinking about Security in the Indo-Pacific.
- North Korea’s ruling dynasty will continue, with Kim Yo-jong next in line
- Korea paper updated now available in Spanish & Portuguese
- DKI APCSS Military Professor publishes article entitled ‘North Korea Solution, Changed Regime’
- North Korea, a Country Study by James M. Minnich, Col. U. S. Army
- North Korea Policy: Changed Regime
- Changed Regime: A Policy to Resolve the North Korean Nuclear Crisis
- Critical Analysis of the 1994 Agreed Framework
- The Year 2012 – South Korea’s Resumption of Wartime Operational Control
- Resolving the North Korean Nuclear Crisis
Assoc. Prof. Elina Noor
- Positioning ASEAN in Cyberspace
- Artificial Intelligence: the case of international cooperation
- ASEAN Takes a Bold Cybersecurity Step
- OpEd: ASEAN and Cyber
Cmdr. Jonathan G. Odom
- Odom article on China’s ‘Riskfare’ published by Proceedings
- DKI APCSS Professor Recommends how to Discuss Maritime Freedom Effectively
- Managing South China Sea Disputes Through Ways That Are Both Practical and Rules-Based
- Ensuring Freedom of the Seas for the next U.S. Administration – Cmdr. Jonathan G. Odom
- Commentary: South China Sea and Freedom of Navigation – Cmdr. Jonathan G. Odom
- OpEd: FONOPs to Preserve the Right of Innocent Passage? – Cmdr. Jonathan Odom
- New South China Sea Lighthouses: Legal Futility and Strategic Risk – Cmdr. Jonathan G. Odom
- DKI APCSS professor paper on airspace defense published by international law review
Dr. Alfred Oehlers
- Considering Technical Information Protection through an Evaluation of ASAT Technology in Japan
- Partnerships and Soft Power in Space
- Religion in a Values-Based Approach to Strategic Competition
- Who will welcome Bougainville?
- Oceania’s Potential Role in Space Governance Development?
- COVID-19 and the ASEAN Chair Agenda: Vietnam’s Lost Year? and Brunei’s, Too?
- COVID-19, Debt, and Strategic Competition
- Natural Disasters in the Pacific
- Korea, Papua: Topics of Latest Faculty Articles
- ‘Check-book diplomacy’ in the Pacific: A troubling return?
Prof. Shyam Tekwani
- Workshop Held to Review Maldives’ Strategy on Preventing Violent Extremism
- Security Nexus | Webinar Episode 6: Power Play in South Asia
- The Uprising in Sri Lanka
- New OpEd on South Asia and Terrorism
- New OpEd looks at Pakistan and good governance
- Media and the Security Practitioner
- Hindsight, Insight, Foresight: Thinking about Security in the Indo-Pacific.
- Pakistan can help win peace in Afghanistan, but only once it’s stable and secure itself
- New OpEd on India and its Neighbors by Shyam Tekwani
- Sri Lanka’s return to ethnic majoritarianism
- New article by Dr. Jeffrey Hornung & Prof. Shyam Tekwani for The Diplomat
- Shutting Down the Mobile Phone and the Downfall of Nepalese Society, Economy and Politics
- The long afterlife of Sri Lanka’s civil war
- Issues for Engagement: Asian Perspectives on Transnational Security Challenges
Dr. Alexander Vuving
- Dr. Alexander Vuving’s New Publications on Vietnam’s Past and Present
- The Security Nexus Webinar | Episode 27: Navigating Tensions in the South China Sea
- Bamboo in a storm: the Russia-Ukraine war and Vietnam’s foreign policy (2022–2024)
- Vietnam’s future strategy
- Dr. Alexander Vuving on rapid changes in Vietnam
- Dr. Alex Vuving’s interview on High-Tech Supply Chains and the US-Vietnam Upgrade
- New Vuving OpEd on Vietnam’s strategic partnerships
- Philippines must stand up for its rights at South China Sea shoal
- New Vuving OpEd on China’s role as a peacemaker
- Is Vietnam Torn Between Land and Sea in Its Defense?
- Vietnam’s Approach to China: Bamboo Diplomacy with Neo-tributary Characteristics
- Pacific Summit Is Biden’s Chance to Demonstrate U.S. Soft Power
- AUKUS Is a Short-Term Mess but a Long-Term Win for Australia
- Will Vietnam Be America’s Next Strategic Partner?
- New OpEd looks at Vietnam’s future
- Hindsight, Insight, Foresight: Thinking about Security in the Indo-Pacific.
- DKI APCSS Professor has OpEd on N. Korea in latest The Diplomat magazine
- DKI APCSS Professor has OpEd on N. Korea in latest The National Interest blog
- Vietnam’s National Security Architecture
- OpEd: Tracking the Philippines’ Force Build-up in the South China Sea
- OpEd: Tracking Malaysia’s Force Build-up in the South China Sea
- OpEd: Force Buildup in the South China Sea: The Myth of an Arms Race
- Dr. Vuving discusses China-Vietnam relations on CSIS’ ChinaPower Podcast
- Dr. Alex Vuving publishes an article entitled ‘What Vietnam Can Offer America’
- Using a fable to explain the South China Sea dilemma – Dr. Alex Vuving
- Dr. Alexander Vuving has three new articles available online
- How Vietnam can stop the South China Sea ADIZ – Dr. Alex Vuving
- South China Sea: Who occupies what in the Spratlys – Dr. Alex Vuving
- Why Trong’s re-election doesn’t spell the end for reform in Vietnam
- Vietnam, the United States, and Japan in the South China Sea
- Latest publications by APCSS faculty members
- APCSS professors in the news:
- APCSS jointly produces new publication
- More articles published by APCSS faculty
- APCSS Professors discuss thawing relations between India and Pakistan, and Maritime Security
- Issues for Engagement: Asian Perspectives on Transnational Security Challenges
- Two APCSS professors selected to present at Asia Policy Assembly
- ‘How Soft Power Works’ a new paper by APCSS’ Dr. Vuving
Dr. Virginia Watson
- Dr. Watson in QUAD Tech Forum
- Faculty in First Thailand Security Dialogue
- The Security Nexus Webinar | Episode 27: Navigating Tensions in the South China Sea
- Security Nexus Webinar | Episode 15: The Philippines Builds Security, Faces Challenges
- Modernizing US Alliance for Maritime Security in the Indo-Pacific
- Hindsight, Insight, Foresight: Thinking about Security in the Indo-Pacific.
- The Post-COVID19 World: Globalization with Different Characteristics
- Five Coronavirus Success Stories: Different, But the Same
- Post-Hague: The Philippines and Strategic Balance
- Dr. Watson contributes chapter to book on emerging technology – Dr. Virginia Bacay-Watson
- Exploring Resource Security Policy and Green Science & Technology in Asia
- APCSS Faculty releases a publication entitle ‘Interface of Science, Technology & Security’
- Two APCSS professors selected to present at Asia Policy Assembly
Dr. Bill Wieninger
- Hindsight, Insight, Foresight: Thinking about Security in the Indo-Pacific.
- OpEd on US Options with N. Korea
- APCSS Faculty releases a publication entitle ‘Interface of Science, Technology & Security’
- APCSS jointly produces new publication
- APCSS professor published in Korea Review journal
Dr. Saira Yamin
- Strategic Competition, Cooperation, and Accommodation: Perspectives from the Indian Ocean Region
- Strategic Competition: Why Pakistan Matters
- US-Pakistan Relations: The Search for a Middle Ground
- DKI APCSS hosts second Indo-Pacific Strategy Workshop
- Dr. Yamin selected as Senior Fellow at the Center for Global Policy
- Pakistan: National Security Dilemmas and Transition to Democracy – Dr. Saira Yamin
- Mapping Conflict Trends in Pakistan
- APCSS professor publishes a paper on the U.S. role in Afghanistan
- 2 APCSS faculty have articles published
- APCSS Professors discuss thawing relations between India and Pakistan, and Maritime Security